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Unit Test MVC with ASP.NET Dev Server

I want to confirm that my "HomeController" class is being selected by the route I've created. So I have a test like this:

    public void MyTest()

        RouteCollection routes = new RouteCollection();
        //This fetches DefaultControllerFactory (for now, anyway...)
        var factory = ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory();
        //mock a context...
        var httpContext = CreateHttpContext("http://localhost:14478/home", "GET");
        RouteData route = routes.GetRouteData(httpContext);

        var ctrlInstance = factory.CreateController(new RequestContext(httpContext, route), (string)route.Values["controller"]);

        //ASSERT the instance is of type "HomeController"

It fails, saying that 'http://localhost:14478/home' completed successfully without running the test.

I noticed that in the VS output window, there is also this message No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it I figured Cassini must not be active. So I chose to launch the site being tested (ctrl+F5) before launching the unit test. It then changed the VS output to this:

WebTestAdapter.ConnectToHostAdapter: unexpected exception occured. Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.HostAdapters.AbortTestExecutionException: Error in the application. at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.HostAdapters.WebTestAdapter.ConnectToHostAdapter()

To try to resolve this, I've followed the advice of these articles:

  • Debug while running a test in ASP.NET solution
  • Unit Tests for ASP.NET web services: this discusses the "completed successfully without running a test" error.
  • Configuring ASP.NET Unit Tests: I got the $(SolutionDir) idea from this article.

...but I still get the error no matter what I do. Suggestions?

This question is not about testing MVC routes. The purpose of this question is to discover how to make ASP.NET MVC properly initialized to allow more "in depth" automated testing. I have chosen a "route testing" scenario, against the DefaultControllerFactory, merely as an example. In this example, the DefaultControllerFactory does not behave properly unless ASP.NET MVC is properly initialized.

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Brent Arias Avatar asked May 07 '12 21:05

Brent Arias

1 Answers

This is a common requirement when testing MVC applications, and lucky you, there is a framework that will simplify your life when testing MVC controllers:

The tools is:


And as an example you can create tests with just one line:

"~/".ShouldMapTo<HomeController>(controller => controller.Index());

As a reference:



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Jupaol Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 16:10
