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Unique hardware ID in Mac OS X

Mac OS X development is a fairly new animal for me, and I'm in the process of porting over some software. For software licensing and registration I need to be able to generate some kind of hardware ID. It doesn't have to be anything fancy; Ethernet MAC address, hard drive serial, CPU serial, something like that.

I've got it covered on Windows, but I haven't a clue on Mac. Any idea of what I need to do, or where I can go for information on this would be great!


For anybody else that is interested in this, this is the code I ended up using with Qt's QProcess class:

QProcess proc;  QStringList args; args << "-c" << "ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice |  awk '/IOPlatformUUID/ { print $3; }'"; proc.start( "/bin/bash", args ); proc.waitForFinished();  QString uID = proc.readAll(); 

Note: I'm using C++.

like image 644
Gerald Avatar asked Jun 01 '09 03:06


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2 Answers

For C/C++:

void get_platform_uuid(char * buf, int bufSize) {     io_registry_entry_t ioRegistryRoot = IORegistryEntryFromPath(kIOMasterPortDefault, "IOService:/");     CFStringRef uuidCf = (CFStringRef) IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(ioRegistryRoot, CFSTR(kIOPlatformUUIDKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);     IOObjectRelease(ioRegistryRoot);     CFStringGetCString(uuidCf, buf, bufSize, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman);     CFRelease(uuidCf);     } 
like image 169
yairchu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09


Try this Terminal command:

ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | awk '/IOPlatformUUID/ { split($0, line, "\""); printf("%s\n", line[4]); }' 

From here

Here is that command wrapped in Cocoa (which could probably be made a bit cleaner):

NSArray * args = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"-rd1", @"-c", @"IOPlatformExpertDevice", @"|", @"grep", @"model", nil]; NSTask * task = [NSTask new]; [task setLaunchPath:@"/usr/sbin/ioreg"]; [task setArguments:args];  NSPipe * pipe = [NSPipe new]; [task setStandardOutput:pipe]; [task launch];  NSArray * args2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"/IOPlatformUUID/ { split($0, line, \"\\\"\"); printf(\"%s\\n\", line[4]); }", nil]; NSTask * task2 = [NSTask new]; [task2 setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/awk"]; [task2 setArguments:args2];  NSPipe * pipe2 = [NSPipe new]; [task2 setStandardInput:pipe]; [task2 setStandardOutput:pipe2]; NSFileHandle * fileHandle2 = [pipe2 fileHandleForReading]; [task2 launch];  NSData * data = [fileHandle2 readDataToEndOfFile]; NSString * uuid = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; 
like image 32
xyz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
