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Uninstall EntityFramework using the Package Manager Console

I'm trying to re-install my EntityFramework package using

PM> Install-Package EntityFramework 

But I get the following message

'EntityFramework 5.0.0' already installed. already has a reference to 'EntityFramework 5.0.0'.

So I tried to uninstall the package using

PM> Uninstall-Package EntityFramework -Force 

But I keep on getting the following message

Uninstall-Package : Unable to find package 'EntityFramework'. At line:1 char:1 + Uninstall-Package EntityFramework -Force + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Uninstall-Package], InvalidOperationException 

How do I re-install the package?

like image 656
Andre Lombaard Avatar asked Jul 15 '13 11:07

Andre Lombaard

People also ask

How to uninstall Entity Framework using Package Manager Console?

Go to Solution Explorer >> Dependencies >> NuGet to locate the “Microsoft. EntityFrameworkCore” option. We can uninstall Entity Framework from our project or our solution very easily. Go to Tools >> “NuGet Package Manager” >> “Manage NuGet Packages for Solution”.

How to uninstall EF Core power Tools?

If that's an Add-in,please uninstall that directly in the "Extension" in Visual Studio. And then you can go to Visual Studio Gallery searching for that and re-install. I had this problem and solved it by Uninstalling Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 2 from the Tools -> Extensions and Updates menu.

What is the package manager console?

The NuGet Package Manager Console lets you use NuGet PowerShell commands to find, install, uninstall, and update NuGet packages. Using the console is necessary in cases where the Package Manager UI does not provide a way to perform an operation.

How do I run migration in Package Manager console?

Open the Package Manager Console from Tools → Library Package Manager → Package Manager Console and then run the enable-migrations command (make sure that the default project is the project where your context class is).

1 Answers

Try deleting it out of the project references, and out of packages.config. Then re-add it.

like image 139
BlackICE Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
