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Unexpected code in synchronized block





The following Java code generates the following JVM bytecode.

I'm curious why the code from offset 31 to offset 36 is generated. Nothing in the JLS7 or JVM7 specification talks about this. Did I miss anything?

Even if I remove the println statements, the code (offset 31 to offset 36) still get generated, only at an earlier location, since the println call has been removed.

// Java code
    void testMonitor() {
        Boolean x = new Boolean(false);
        synchronized(x) {
            System.out.println("inside synchronized");

// JVM bytecode
    Offset  Instruction       Comments (Method: testMonitor)
    0       new 42            (java.lang.Boolean)
    3       dup
    4       iconst_0
    5       invokespecial 44  (java.lang.Boolean.<init>)
    8       astore_1          (java.lang.Boolean x)
    9       aload_1           (java.lang.Boolean x)
    10      dup
    11      astore_2
    12      monitorenter
    13      getstatic 15      (java.lang.System.out)
    16      ldc 47            (inside synchronized)
    18      invokevirtual 23  (java.io.PrintStream.println)
    21      getstatic 15      (java.lang.System.out)
    24      ldc 49            (blah)
    26      invokevirtual 23  (java.io.PrintStream.println)
    29      aload_2
    30      monitorexit
    31      goto 37
    34      aload_2
    35      monitorexit
    36      athrow
    37      getstatic 15      (java.lang.System.out)
    40      ldc 51            (done)
    42      invokevirtual 23  (java.io.PrintStream.println)
    45      return
like image 859
chuacw Avatar asked Mar 31 '12 14:03


People also ask

What would you do if threads throw exceptions within a synchronized block?

Other threads will be able to continue synchronizing, and calling wait and notify. If the thread with the exception is holding some critical program logic resource, you may need to use try-finally to ensure it is released.

How many threads per instance can execute inside a synchronized instance method?

Only one thread can execute inside a synchronized instance method.

Why are locks better than synchronized?

Only one thread is allowed to access only one method at any given point of time using a synchronized block. This is a very expensive operation. Locks avoid this by allowing the configuration of various locks for different purpose.

1 Answers

The compiler adds an invisible try/catch block here, to ensure the monitor state gets released (which is documented in the VM specs, see bottom of post). You can verify this by using javap -v and look at the exception table:

void testMonitor();
   Stack=3, Locals=3, Args_size=1
   0:    new    #15; //class java/lang/Boolean
   3:    dup
   4:    iconst_0
   5:    invokespecial    #17; //Method java/lang/Boolean."<init>":(Z)V
   8:    astore_1
   9:    aload_1
   10:    dup
   11:    astore_2
   12:    monitorenter
   13:    getstatic    #20; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   16:    ldc    #26; //String inside synchronized
   18:    invokevirtual    #28; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   21:    getstatic    #20; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   24:    ldc    #34; //String blah
   26:    invokevirtual    #28; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   29:    aload_2
   30:    monitorexit
   31:    goto    37
   34:    aload_2
   35:    monitorexit
   36:    athrow
   37:    getstatic    #20; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   40:    ldc    #36; //String done
   42:    invokevirtual    #28; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   45:    return
  Exception table:
   from   to  target type
    13    31    34   any
    34    36    34   any

Edit: From the JVM specs:

Normally, a compiler for the Java programming language ensures that the lock operation implemented by a monitorenter instruction executed prior to the execution of the body of the synchronized statement is matched by an unlock operation implemented by a monitorexit instruction whenever the synchronized statement completes, whether completion is normal or abrupt.

like image 147
Neet Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09
