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Understanding of MSVS C++ compiler optimizations

I do not understand what is happening in this code. The C code is:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    const int mul = 100;
    int x;
    printf_s("Input a number\r\n");
    scanf_s("%i", &x);
    printf_s("%i/%i = %i\r\n", x, mul, x / mul);
    return 0;

I expected that the resulting assembly will be some simple shifts and add/sub operations, but there are some magic constants like 51EB851Fh, multiplications, etc. What is happening here?

; int __cdecl main()
_main proc near

x= dword ptr -8
var_4= dword ptr -4

push    ebp
mov     ebp, esp
sub     esp, 8
mov     eax, ___security_cookie
xor     eax, ebp
mov     [ebp+var_4], eax
push    offset Format   ; "Input a number\r\n"
call    ds:__imp__printf_s
lea     eax, [ebp+x]
push    eax
push    offset aI       ; "%i"
call    ds:__imp__scanf_s
mov     ecx, [ebp+x]
mov     eax, 51EB851Fh
imul    ecx
sar     edx, 5
mov     eax, edx
shr     eax, 1Fh
add     eax, edx
push    eax
push    64h
push    ecx
push    offset aIII     ; "%i/%i = %i\r\n"
call    ds:__imp__printf_s
mov     ecx, [ebp+var_4]
add     esp, 1Ch
xor     ecx, ebp        ; cookie
xor     eax, eax
call    @__security_check_cookie@4 ; __security_check_cookie(x)
mov     esp, ebp
pop     ebp
_main endp
like image 976
Alex Zhukovskiy Avatar asked Jul 08 '14 09:07

Alex Zhukovskiy

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The code optimization in the synthesis phase is a program transformation technique, which tries to improve the intermediate code by making it consume fewer resources (i.e. CPU, Memory) so that faster-running machine code will result.

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Ideally, you should write understandable, maintainable code—without compromising performance. For this reason, compilers attempt to automatically optimize the code to improve its performance, and they've become quite sophisticated in doing so nowadays.

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1 Answers

Processors are not very good at dividing, an idiv can take between 11 and 18 cycles. As opposed to shifts and multiplies, they usually only take a single cycle.

So the optimizer replaced your division by a multiplication using fixed-point math, taking advantage of a 32-bit multiply producing a 64-bit result into edx:eax. Back-of-the-envelope: n / 100 == n * 0.32 / 32 == n * (0.32 * pow(2,32)) / 32 / pow(2,32). Those divisions are very cheap, just a right-shift. And the multiplier becomes 0.32 * pow(2,32) ~= 1374389535 == 0x51EB851F

like image 127
Hans Passant Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10

Hans Passant