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Understanding how parent and child components handle an object



I'm wondering how angular handle an object shared between a parent and child component.

Let me show you a simple example: ParentComponent

  selector: 'app-parent',
  template: `<app-children [(data)]="message"></app-children>
            <div>Parent: {{message}}</div>`,

export class ParentComponent implements OnInit {
  public message: string;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.message = 'Original message'

Children Component

  selector: 'app-children',
  template: `<div>Children: {{data}}</div> 
             <a (click)="changeMessage('Children message')">Click me!</a>`

export class ChildrenComponent {
  @Input() public data: string;
  changeMessage(message: string) {
    this.data = message;

When I click on the "Click me!" link, i see only the Children message change, but not the parent one. Isn't it the same object?

like image 945
Pennywise83 Avatar asked Feb 03 '19 11:02


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Passing values from a parent component to a child component is simple; we only have to pass the values as props of the child element. To illustrate this concept, take a look at the following code. This code is equivalent to the zombie selection process performed by the trainers. In this battle, we are sending a Humbug and a Geek to fight.

How to pass props from a child component to parent component?

Thus, we can see there is no way to pass props from a child component to a parent component. However, we can always pass around functions from the parent to child component. The child component can then make use of these functions.

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While 'parent' and 'child' alone refer to React component hierarchy. myApp component is a parent for Foo component, and Foo component is a child of myApp component: export default class myApp extends React.Component { state = { foo: true }; render () { return ( <Foo foo= {this.state.foo} /> ); } }

Can state be passed down from parent component to child component?

Also, state can be passed down as props to any child component. Let's take a look at how that can be done: Our child component is not aware fo whether the incoming props are state or coming as props from our parent component.

1 Answers

consider you should emit the changed value from child and also your emitter name should be [your bind var name]+'Change' so it will work:

import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `<app-children [(data)]="message"></app-children>
            <div>Parent: {{message}}</div>`,

export class AppComponent {
  public message: string;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.message = 'Original message'

  selector: 'app-children',
  template: `<div>Children: {{data}}</div> 
             <a (click)="changeMessage('Children message')">Click me!</a>`

export class ChildComponent {
  @Input() public data: string;
  @Output() dataChange= new EventEmitter<string>();
  changeMessage(message: string) {
    this.data = message;

check DEMO and creating custom two-way data bindings.

like image 100
Fateme Fazli Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 11:10

Fateme Fazli