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How to mark a component selector as deprecated?

I have a component

  // todo the app-old-selector selector must be removed in the next version
  selector: 'app-new-selector,app-old-selector',
  templateUrl: './component.html'
export class Component {

What is the best way to inform a developer that app-old-selector is deprecated?

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constantant Avatar asked Feb 01 '19 15:02


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1 Answers

I have written a reusable decorator which marks components' selectors as deprecated.

import {Component} from '@angular/core';

type Constructor<T = {}> = new (...args: any[]) => T;

export function Deprecated(oldSelector: string) { // This is a decorator factory
  return <T extends Constructor>(Base: T) => {
    return class Deprecated extends Base {
      selectors = [];
      constructor(...args: any[]) {
         const selector = new Component((Deprecated as any).__annotations__[0]).selector;
         this.selectors = selector.split(', ');
         this.selectors = this.selectors.filter(selector => selector !== oldSelector);
         console.warn('The selector "' + oldSelector + '" is going to be deprecated. Please use one of these selectors [ ' + this.selectors.toString() + ' ]');

Now we just have to decorate our component class with this decorator function with parameter like below

  selector: 'my-old-app, my-app-new',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent  {
  name = 'Angular';

Please find the code here at stackblitz.

Also, please read my blog on the same topic which has the explanation on the logic.

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dileepkumar jami Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10

dileepkumar jami