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underscore.js nested templates

Is it possible to somehow take a DOM element from a underscore template and use it as another template?

The idea is that my app needs to render a document that contains a loop with items and a summary. I need to occasionaly re-render only the summary or a few items, so I cannot just re-render the whole document.

However, I would like to keep it simple for the app users to create their own templates for the document and I think that keeping everything in one file for a document would make it easier.

I'm trying to use something like this:

<script type="text/template" id="document-template">     <div id="document">         <h1><%= name %></h1>         <ul class="items">             <% _.each(items, function(item) { %>                  <li><%= item %></li>             <% }); %>         </ul>         <div id="summary">             <p>Total items: <%= totalitems %></p>         </div>     </div> </script> 

Now, I can easily do this var documentTemplate = _.template($('#document-template').html()); to turn this into a document template, but I would like to turn the summary part into a template and a list item into a template as well.

Can I do something like this:

var summaryTemplate = _.template($('#document-template #summary').html()); var itemTemplate = _.template($('#document-template .items li').html()); 

PS. Actually I am loading the template from an external file using jQuery's $.get. This way I will get the document-template in one big string. From there, I can do just documentTemplate = _.template(loadedString);.

Now, if I could just extract the #summary element from the string, it should work. But when I try to convert the string to DOM element ( var domElement = $(loadedString)) (so I could do this: summaryTemplate = _.template($('#summary',domElement).html());, it won't work, because underscore won't recognize the <%= %> tags anymore.

like image 968
ragulka Avatar asked Jan 20 '12 08:01


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2 Answers

You can pass the nested template as a variable in the template assignments to the main template, e.g.:


<script type="text/template" id="sub_template">   <article>     <h1>id: <%= id %><h1>   </article> </script>  <script type="text/template" id="main_template">   <% for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { %>     <%= renderSub({id:i}) %>   <% } %> </script> 


 var renderSub = _.template( $('#sub_template').remove().text() ),      renderMain = _.template( $('#main_template').remove().text() );    renderMain({num:5, renderSub:renderSub}); 
like image 171
Jon z Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

Jon z


/////// TEMPLATES //////      var mainTemplate = "<ul> \                           <% _.each(items, function(item) { %> \                                <%= listItem({item:item}) %> \                           <% }); %> \                         <ul>";          var subTemplate = '<li><%=item %></li>';   /////// MODEL (our data) //////      var model = {         items : [1,2,3,4,5]     }       /////// COMPILE //////      // add the subTemplate to the model data, to be passed to the mainTemplate     model.listItem = _.template(subTemplate);          // Render main template to the DOM     document.body.innerHTML = _.template(mainTemplate, model); 
like image 45
vsync Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
