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Underlining text in UIButton

To use interface builder to underline, one has to:

  • Change it to attributed
  • Highlight the text in the Attributes inspector
  • Right click, choose Font and then Underline

Underline using IB

Video someone else made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-ZnV3jQd9I

From iOS6 it is now possible to use an NSAttributedString to perform underlining (and anything else attributed strings support) in a much more flexible way:

NSMutableAttributedString *commentString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"The Quick Brown Fox"];

[commentString addAttribute:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName value:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:NSUnderlineStyleSingle] range:NSMakeRange(0, [commentString length])];

[button setAttributedTitle:commentString forState:UIControlStateNormal];

Note: added this as another answer - as its a totally different solution to my previous one.

Edit: oddly (in iOS8 at least) you have to underline the first character otherwise it doesn't work!

so as a workaround, set the first char underlined with clear colour!

    // underline Terms and condidtions
    NSMutableAttributedString* tncString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"View Terms and Conditions"];

    // workaround for bug in UIButton - first char needs to be underlined for some reason!
    [tncString addAttribute:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName
    [tncString addAttribute:NSUnderlineColorAttributeName value:[UIColor clearColor] range:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];

    [tncString addAttribute:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName
                      range:(NSRange){5,[tncString length] - 5}];

    [tncBtn setAttributedTitle:tncString forState:UIControlStateNormal];


@interface UIUnderlinedButton : UIButton {


+ (UIUnderlinedButton*) underlinedButton;


@implementation UIUnderlinedButton

+ (UIUnderlinedButton*) underlinedButton {
    UIUnderlinedButton* button = [[UIUnderlinedButton alloc] init];
    return [button autorelease];

- (void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
    CGRect textRect = self.titleLabel.frame;

    // need to put the line at top of descenders (negative value)
    CGFloat descender = self.titleLabel.font.descender;

    CGContextRef contextRef = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

    // set to same colour as text
    CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(contextRef, self.titleLabel.textColor.CGColor);

    CGContextMoveToPoint(contextRef, textRect.origin.x, textRect.origin.y + textRect.size.height + descender);

    CGContextAddLineToPoint(contextRef, textRect.origin.x + textRect.size.width, textRect.origin.y + textRect.size.height + descender);


    CGContextDrawPath(contextRef, kCGPathStroke);


You can do it in the interface builder itself.

  1. Select the attribute inspector
  2. Change the title type from plain to attributed

enter image description here

  1. Set appropriate font size and text alignment

enter image description here

  1. Then select the title text and set the font as underlined

enter image description here