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What are the differences between the BLOB and TEXT datatypes in MySQL?

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What Is A BLOB datatype in MySQL?

A BLOB is a binary large object that can hold a variable amount of data. The four BLOB types are TINYBLOB , BLOB , MEDIUMBLOB , and LONGBLOB . These differ only in the maximum length of the values they can hold. The four TEXT types are TINYTEXT , TEXT , MEDIUMTEXT , and LONGTEXT .

What is TEXT data type in MySQL?

TEXT is the family of column type intended as high-capacity character storage. The actual TEXT column type is of four types-TINYTEXT, TEXT, MEDIUMTEXT and LONGTEXT. The four TEXT types are very similar to each other; the only difference is the maximum amount of data each can store.

What is the difference between varchar and TEXT in MySQL?

Some Differences Between VARCHAR and TEXTThe VAR in VARCHAR means that you can set the max size to anything between 1 and 65,535. TEXT fields have a fixed max size of 65,535 characters. A VARCHAR can be part of an index whereas a TEXT field requires you to specify a prefix length, which can be part of an index.

What is the difference between BLOB and binary?

BLOB type requires a smaller data size for base rows than BINARY type, so if there are many pieces of data, BLOB will yield better performance. However, if indexes are defined for the non-BINARY columns, index scans will eliminate the difference between BINARY and BLOB types.

TEXT and CHAR will convert to/from the character set they have associated with time. BLOB and BINARY simply store bytes.

BLOB is used for storing binary data while Text is used to store large string.

BLOB values are treated as binary strings (byte strings). They have no character set, and sorting and comparison are based on the numeric values of the bytes in column values.

TEXT values are treated as nonbinary strings (character strings). They have a character set, and values are sorted and compared based on the collation of the character set.


Blob datatypes stores binary objects like images while text datatypes stores text objects like articles of webpages

TEXT and CHAR or nchar that will typically be converted to plain text so you can only store text like strings.

BLOB and BINARY which mean you can store binary data such as images simply store bytes.

A BLOB is a binary string to hold a variable amount of data. For the most part BLOB's are used to hold the actual image binary instead of the path and file info. Text is for large amounts of string characters. Normally a blog or news article would constitute to a TEXT field

L in this case is used stating the storage requirement. (Length|Size + 3) as long as it is less than 224.

Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/blob.html

According to High-performance Mysql book:

The only difference between the BLOB and TEXT families is that BLOB types store binary data with no collation or character set, but TEXT types have a character set and collation.

BLOB stores binary data which are more than 2 GB. Max size for BLOB is 4 GB. Binary data means unstructured data i.e images audio files vedio files digital signature

Text is used to store large string.