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unable to uninstall Visual Studio 2012

I am trying to uninstall Visual studio 2012 from my machine but is is not giving me any option for uninstalling the same. When I write click on Visual Studio 2012 in control panel/Program and Features, it shows CHANGE option and when I click on this option it display popup with following option.

Microsoft .Net Framework Required for Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 Setup.

Click Accept and Install to accept Microsoft Framework license Term.

When I click on this option, it doesn't perform anything and dont uninstall it. Can u please suggest me any option to remove it and install it again. This is licenced copy of the same.

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Harshanand Wankhede Avatar asked Jun 26 '13 17:06

Harshanand Wankhede

1 Answers

If you still have the installer disk, you can run the following command and it removes everything except for a few of the SQL 2012 apps stayed when I ran it.

vs_ultimate.exe /uninstall /force

or in my case

vs_premium.exe /uninstall /force

Here is the link to the Microsoft article on the topic, and the article lists all the installed applications so if you need to manually remove some you have a list to go off of.


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That Bryan Davies Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 20:11

That Bryan Davies