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Resource localization: use of x:Uid referring to another assembly's resource

I am writing a win8 application and will be using the built-in resource management system: resw file and x:Uid tags in my XAML code.

So I create let's say a TextBox like that:

<TextBlock Style="{StaticResource HeaderTextStyle}" x:Uid="ResourceTest"/>

I create the corresponding resource file in my assembly with a ResourceTest.Text entry and it works fine: proper text is displayed at runtime.

Now, I would like to move all my resx files to another C# Library for maintainability. So I put the resources file in a brand new project and reference this new assembly from the main assembly.

But this causes the previous construct to fail (no text is displayed).

However, if I programmatically retrieve the resource value using the following code from inside the side assembly (called ResourcesLibrary), I get the string correctly:

static ResourceLoader resourceLoader = null;
public static string GetString(string resourceName)
    if (resourceLoader == null)
        resourceLoader = new ResourceLoader ("ResourcesLibrary/Resources");
    return resourceLoader.GetString (resourceName);

How do I enable the x:Uid mechanism when dealing with out-of-assembly resources?

I tried a few things in the x:Uid such as ResourcesLibrary/Resources/ResourceTest but with no luck.

like image 322
Qortex Avatar asked Feb 18 '13 04:02


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The relationship between the string you use in x:Uid and the strings you use in a resources file is that the resource file strings are the x:Uid followed by a dot (.) and then by the name of a specific property of the element that's being localized. Consider this example:

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Also, x:Name is governed by the XAML namescope concept, whereas uniqueness for x:Uid is controlled by the package resource index (PRI) system. For more info, see Resource Management System.

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As a refresher, the advice in Microsoft Dev docs is to use a resource file that contains name value pairs to add string resources for a particular locale. The Uid of a control would be the base of the name. Next you would add a Uid to your component to reference it from the resource file:

1 Answers

I had the same problem for a long time. But after testing a little bit, I solved it by writing the whole Path of the Resources in the XAML Code.

Something like this:

<TextBlock x:Uid="/ResourcesLibrary/Resources/ResourceTest" />

Unfortunately this answer came very late, but may it can help other persons.

like image 79
Matt126 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10
