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Unable to retrieve user info through facebook api or FQL

I am building an app in which I need to read education and work history of all people(if it is not hidden by privacy settings) in a facebook group(public group). People in the group need not necessarily be friends of the user logged in to my app.

I know how to get the facebook IDs of all people who are part of the group but am unable to retrieve the education/work history of some people even though it is made visible to everyone on facebook.

For eg: when I visited the profile page of a person on the group(who is not my friend), I was able to see his eduaction/work info. However, when I query through rest API or graph API or FQL, I get a null value!!

I have tried the following:

1) https://graph.facebook.com/UID
I tried the above by a generating an access token too, still got only a null value

2) https://api.facebook.com/method/users.getInfo?uids=UID&fields=education_history

3) https://api.facebook.com/method/fql.query?query=SELECT%20education_history%20from%20user%20WHERE%20uid%20%3D%20UID

This is the JSON response I get: [ { "education_history": null } ]

I would greatly appreciate for any help on how I can read this information.

like image 658
Ninja Avatar asked Dec 11 '10 17:12


1 Answers

You can not do this because of privacy settings of the other users and the restrictions of facebook.

like image 141
Mike Bretz Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 16:09

Mike Bretz