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Facebook Test User unable to access my web page

I am trying to test the Facebook login feature for a website staging environment, but when logging in with a test user I see this error message: Error User is not allowed to see the application.: The user is not allowed to see this application per the developer set configuration.

I have set App Domain to http://www.mysite-stage.com/. I've also added a Website platform for my app and set the site URL to http://www.mysite-stage.com/.

The website http://www.mysite-stage.com is actually accessible to everybody on the web, so there should be no issues there.

This method of testing Facebook integration for the site was working up to about 1-2 months ago, so I'm a little confused as to why it's not working anymore.

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Caren Avatar asked Mar 14 '14 20:03


2 Answers

Are you sure you created the test user for that application?

Facebook won't let you login as a test user that was created under a different app than the one you are trying to sign in with. Facebook test users are app-specific.

Yo can also create test users through the facebook developers site: http://developers.facebook.com/apps/ - Select your app - Roles - Test Users

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achasinh Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 22:10


Since I can't add a comment yet, the problem is with you having made your app available to the public but you are trying to sign in with a test account.

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megachill Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 20:10
