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Facebook App Review process

We would like to allow users to signup for our site with their Facebook credentials. We'd also like to read the user's location during signup, for which FB now require approval.

Obviously, we can't launch the site until users can signup, but FB won't approve the app until they've tested the login. I'm obviously missing something because this is a bit of a Catch 22 scenario...

(this was kind of asked here: How to go through facebook review process on existing site with high traffic?, but not answered for the case beyond simple login)

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Paul Avatar asked Aug 15 '14 21:08


People also ask

How long does Facebook app review take?

This review usually takes less than 72 hours. In extended review: We're reviewing your app further for around 7 days, or until enough app traffic has been evaluated. You're able to earn up to $25 a day during the extended review.

What is Facebook app review?

App Review allows you to request approval for individual permissions and features. Permissions that have been approved through App Review can be requested from any app user, but unapproved permissions can only be requested from app users who have a role on the requesting app.

How long does it take for app review?

By default, your app will use standard publishing. Certain apps may be subject to extended reviews, which may result in review times of up to 7 days or longer in exceptional cases.

1 Answers

Facebook reviews apps, in your case, the user_location permission, by seeing how your app is using the permission through test users. If there's a test user that works for you, please submit with these credentials, step by step instructions as well as detailed screenshots so reviewers can replicate this process. Once the review team understands how your app is using this permission, your app can now pull ANYONE'S location. You can read more about test users here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/test-users


Thanks for clarifying. Technically, your app doesn't have to be "live." It just needs full functionality and real-environment UI and able to demonstrate how it is using the Facebook's permissions. Instead of submitting it onto the iTunes store, Facebook also reviews your app through a sim build: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/creating-ios-simulator-build-for-review. Once this is approved, then deploy your app. This way, your users won't have a bad experience. I hope that answers your question. If not, let me know where you're unclear and I'll try to clarify.

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kylietramle Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
