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Unable to print string containing double quotes in GitLab CI YAML

I'm using the CI Lint tester to try and figure out how to store an expected JSON result, which I later compare to a curl response. Neither of these work:

Attempt 1

  image: ruby:2.1
  - EXPECT_SERVER_OUTPUT='{"message": "Hello World"}'

Fails with:

did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 4 column 5

Attempt 2

  image: ruby:2.1
  - EXPECT_SERVER_OUTPUT="{\"message\": \"Hello World\"}"

Fails with:

jobs:script config should be a hash

I've tried using various combinations of echo as well, without a working solution.

like image 457
Craig Otis Avatar asked Jan 22 '17 21:01

Craig Otis

2 Answers

You could use literal block scalar1 style notation and put the variable definition and subsequent script lines on separate lines2 without worrying about quoting:

    - |
      EXPECT_SERVER_OUTPUT='{"message": "Hello World"}'

or you can escape the nested double quotes:

    - "EXPECT_SERVER_OUTPUT='{\"message\": \"Hello World\"}'"

but you may also want to just use variables like:

    EXPECT_SERVER_OUTPUT: '{"message": "Hello World"}'
    - dothething.sh

Note: variables are expanded inside variable definitions so take care with any $ characters inside the variable value (they must be written as $$ to be literal).

1See this answer for an explanation of this and related notation
2See this section of the GitLab docs for more info on multi-line commands

like image 105
Grisha Levit Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10

Grisha Levit

I made it work like this:

  script: |
   "EXPECT_SERVER_OUTPUT='{\"message\": \"Hello World\"}'"
like image 22
user48656 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 22:10
