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Unable to install apk using adb on device upgraded to Android Lollipop

I’ve recently upgraded one of my Android devices to Android Lollipop (5.0) and now I can’t debug my application and even install apk on the device using adb. I receive the following error

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for java.lang.String android.os.SystemProperties.native_get(java.lang.St
ring, java.lang.String) (tried Java_android_os_SystemProperties_native_1get and Java_android_os_SystemProperties_native_1get__Lj
        at android.os.SystemProperties.native_get(Native Method)
        at android.os.SystemProperties.get(SystemProperties.java:64)
        at android.os.Environment.<clinit>(Environment.java:354)
        at android.os.Environment.getLegacyExternalStorageDirectory(Environment.java:488)
        at android.os.Debug.<clinit>(Debug.java:96)
        at android.ddm.DdmHandleHello.handleHELO(DdmHandleHello.java:164)
        at android.ddm.DdmHandleHello.handleChunk(DdmHandleHello.java:91)
        at org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.DdmServer.dispatch(DdmServer.java:171)
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: android.os.Debug
        at android.ddm.DdmHandleHello.handleFEAT(DdmHandleHello.java:176)
        at android.ddm.DdmHandleHello.handleChunk(DdmHandleHello.java:93)
        at org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.DdmServer.dispatch(DdmServer.java:171)
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: android.os.Debug
        at android.ddm.DdmHandleProfiling.handleMPRQ(DdmHandleProfiling.java:187)
        at android.ddm.DdmHandleProfiling.handleChunk(DdmHandleProfiling.java:88)
        at org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.DdmServer.dispatch(DdmServer.java:171)

My device is Asus FonePad 7 ME175CG or K00Z

Kernel version



Mon Apr 20 13:30:08 CST 2015

Is there any solution for this problem?


first of all thanks to those guys who pay attention to this very specific question, really thanks

for further clarification,

When I received this error, I googled the entire universe for the phrase java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError and gave a try to any solutions that seemed to be applicable, as well as, the solution that suggested by @Kushal and others. Most of the questions were (and still are) for HTC M8 and devices other than ASUS. If you visit this post, you may see an answer by me which is deleted by SO guards and I admit it that it was not really an answer and I post the answer while I was really disappointed of resolving the issue.

Anyway, what I've done up to now which may be helpful for others are,

  1. First, I upgraded my Android SDK tools to the latest version 24.2. After that when I tried adb install demo.apk, in some cases it was successful and sometimes not. I killed all running apps on the device (as suggested by some guys) but it sometimes works and sometimes not.
  2. Then, I gave a try to other solution, specifically the one that suggested by this post. In fact, when I try to debug the app using Intellij IDEA, the IDE itself does as the suggested procedure and the result is

enter image description here

You can see that the IDE itself does as the procedure by @Kushal suggests.

After that, I found several records (referring a few as) here and here and in latter someone has said that

This was a bug in some HTC devices that was fixed with L-MR1

Therefore I came up with the idea that there may be a fix by ASUS team which you guys know about it and kindly provide me with that.


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anonim Avatar asked May 22 '15 09:05


2 Answers

Disabling Tools -> Android -> Enable ADB Integration solved my issue.

Running on Asus Zenfone 2.

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azizbekian Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09


I don't know why this issue appears but you can successfully avoid this issue by closing all the running applications on your device.

Also Unable to test app after upgrading to Lollipop

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nullPointerException Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
