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ui-bootstrap pagination resetting current page on initialization

I am using the pagination directive from the ui-bootstrap (angular-bootstrap) library. I am having an issue when it initializes. My issue occurs when I navigate to a specific page via url.

What is happening is that my controller initializes with the correct page from $stateParams, then the pagination directive initializes and triggers the ng-change function which is resetting the page to 1. Now that on-select-page is no longer used, is there a way to only capture user clicks to change the page? Ideally I would like the directive to initialize before the controller so that my page does not get reset. Thank you in advance.

I can include code if needed, but I feel my question does not necessarily require a code block.

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pcgilday Avatar asked Jan 12 '15 22:01


4 Answers

So I found a solution after drilling down into the angular-bootstrap code. Their code has a watch on totalPages that checks if the current page is greater than the totalPages value.

angular-bootstrap code:

if ( $scope.page > value ) {
} else {

What was happening was if I refreshed the page on page 3 (for example) my controller was reloading the items for that page temporarily causing total-items to be 0 and totalPages to be calculated as 1. This triggered the watch and the above code.

My solution was to load the items in the state resolve so that total-items (and in turn totalPages) would always be accurate.

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pcgilday Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 18:11


If you don't want to use state resolve the data then you could just add a ng-if directive on paginator. Assuming $scope.total_count is used to bind to total-items attribute, you can do something like the following:

<pagination data-ng-if="total_count"

This way the directive is always initialized when you have total count from the server & currentPage will not be greater than totalPages

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Mudassir Ali Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11

Mudassir Ali

The ng-if directive didn't work for me as expected (I didn't use the controllerAs syntax): the pagination wasn't able to update the $scope.currentPage variable anymore. The solution was to use ng-model="$parent.currentPage" instead of ng-model="currentPage".

<uib-pagination ng-if="totalItems"
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theluckyluke Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11


A solution to this problem I've found from Github and implemented and worked perfectly.

As mentioned in other answers also, the issue is with totalItems and when I try to move to page 2/3/n, totalItems becomes 0 for a moment and in the process, currentPage value becomes 1 and I can't move to my desired page. So my trick is, before I call the data from server, I just set a bigger number as totalItems and after I receive data from server, I update totalItems.

$scope.totalItems = 1000;
QuotationService.getQuotations(url).then(function ( response ) {

     $scope.totalItems = response.data.total;
     $scope.quotations = response.data.data;
     $scope.isTableLoading = false;


In my view, only if isTableLoading is false, I show the Pagination, otherwise pagination will show a wrong number of pages.

<div class="text-center" ng-show="isTableLoading == false">
     <uib-pagination boundary-links="true"  
           items-per-page="15" max-size="15" ng-model="currentPage"
           class="pagination-sm" previous-text="&lsaquo;"
           next-text="&rsaquo;" first-text="&laquo;" last-text="&raquo;">

Now everything working perfectly.

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Ariful Haque Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 18:11

Ariful Haque