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How to assign Boolean value to model



I have the following view with two input radio buttons:

<label>     <input type="radio" name="test" ng-model="fooBar"          value="true" ng-change="logConsole()">     True </label>  <label>     <input type="radio" name="test" ng-model="fooBar"          value="false" ng-change="logConsole()">     False </label> 

And my controller looks like:

//Initialization $scope.fooBar = false;  $scope.logConsole = function () {     console.log("Value is : " + $scope.fooBar);     console.log("Type is : " + typeof $scope.fooBar); //Always displays 'string' }; 

My problem is that when the user selects either of the radio buttons, the type of the fooBar model is always a String, that is the value is either the String 'true' or the String 'false' - I want the type to be a boolean true value or a boolean false value. How can I store a boolean value (from within the view) onto the model?

EDIT: I just tried this out and it still does not work. For the value attribute, I passed a function that would return boolean true or false, something like this:

<input type="text" value="{{getBoolean('true')}}....> 

$scope.getBoolean = function (value) { if (value === 'true') return true; else return false; };

It still results in a String when the radio buttons are selected...

like image 414
callmekatootie Avatar asked Jul 17 '13 14:07


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1 Answers

One of the comments in the documentation says:

While ng-value is not documented, it is a useful directive, specifically when you are binding to a boolean value.

<input ng-model="foo" type="radio" value="true">  

may not work but

<input ng-model="foo" ng-value="true" type="radio">  


like image 145
JB Nizet Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

JB Nizet