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typing.NamedTuple and mutable default arguments

Given I want to properly using type annotations for named tuples from the typing module:

from typing import NamedTuple, List

class Foo(NamedTuple):
    my_list: List[int] = []

foo1 = Foo()

foo2 = Foo()
print(foo2.my_list)  # prints [42]

What is the best or cleanest ways to avoid the mutable default value misery in Python? I have a few ideas, but nothing really seems to be good

  1. Using None as default

    class Foo(NamedTuple):
        my_list: Optional[List[int]] = None
    foo1 = Foo()
    if foo1.my_list is None
      foo1 = foo1._replace(my_list=[])  # super ugly
  2. Overwriting __new__ or __init__ won't work:

    AttributeError: Cannot overwrite NamedTuple attribute __init__
    AttributeError: Cannot overwrite NamedTuple attribute __new__
  3. Special @classmethod

    class Foo(NamedTuple):
        my_list: List[int] = []
        def use_me_instead(cls, my_list=None):
           if not my_list:
               my_list = []
           return cls(my_list)
    foo1 = Foo.use_me_instead()
    foo1.my_list.append(42)  # works!
  4. Maybe using frozenset and avoid mutable attributes altogether? But that won't work with Dicts as there are no frozendicts.

Does anyone have a good answer?

like image 236
Sebastian Wagner Avatar asked Aug 06 '21 11:08

Sebastian Wagner

People also ask

Is Namedtuple mutable in python?

Named Tuple Python's tuple is a simple data structure for grouping objects with different types. Its defining feature is being immutable. An immutable object is an object whose state cannot be modified after it is created.

What does Namedtuple on a collection type return?

NamedTuple can return the values with keys as OrderedDict type object. To make it OrderedDict, we have to use the _asdict() method.

What type is a Namedtuple?

Python namedtuple is an immutable container type, whose values can be accessed with indexes and named attributes. It has functionality like tuples with additional features. A named tuple is created with the collections. namedtuple factory function.

What is the use of Namedtuple in Python?

Python's namedtuple() is a factory function available in collections . It allows you to create tuple subclasses with named fields. You can access the values in a given named tuple using the dot notation and the field names, like in obj. attr .

Video Answer

3 Answers

Use a dataclass instead of a named tuple. A dataclass allows a field to specify a default factory rather than a single default value.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class Foo:
    my_list: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
like image 110
chepner Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10



Blending my approach with Sebastian Wagner's idea of using a decorator, we can achieve something like this:

from typing import NamedTuple, List, Callable, TypeVar, Type, Any, cast
from functools import wraps

T = TypeVar('T')

def default_factory(**factory_kw: Callable[[], Any]) -> Callable[[Type[T]], Type[T]]:
    def wrapper(wcls: Type[T], /) -> Type[T]:
        def __new__(cls: Type[T], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> T:
            for key, factory in factory_kw.items():
                kwargs.setdefault(key, factory())
            new = super(cls, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore[misc]
            # This call to cast() is necessary if you run MyPy with the --strict argument
            return cast(T, new)
        cls_name = wcls.__name__
        wcls.__name__ = wcls.__qualname__ = f'_{cls_name}'
        return type(cls_name, (wcls, ), {'__new__': __new__, '__slots__': ()})
    return wrapper

class Foo(NamedTuple):
    # You do not *need* to have the default value in the class body,
    # but it makes MyPy a lot happier
    my_list: List[int] = [] 
foo1 = Foo()

foo2 = Foo()
print(f'foo1 list: {foo1.my_list}')     # prints [42]
print(f'foo2 list: {foo2.my_list}')     # prints []
print(Foo)                              # prints <class '__main__.Foo'>
print(Foo.__mro__)                      # prints (<class '__main__.Foo'>, <class '__main__._Foo'>, <class 'tuple'>, <class 'object'>)
from inspect import signature
print(signature(Foo.__new__))           # prints (_cls, my_list: List[int] = [])

Run it through MyPy, and MyPy informs us that the revealed type of foo1 and foo2 is still "Tuple[builtins.list[builtins.int], fallback=__main__.Foo]"

Original answer below.

How about this? (Inspired by this answer here):

from typing import NamedTuple, List, Optional, TypeVar, Type

class _Foo(NamedTuple):
    my_list: List[int]

T = TypeVar('T', bound="Foo")

class Foo(_Foo):
    "A namedtuple defined as `_Foo(mylist)`, with a default value of `[]`"
    __slots__ = ()

    def __new__(cls: Type[T], mylist: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> T:
        mylist = [] if mylist is None else mylist
        return super().__new__(cls, mylist)  # type: ignore

f, g = Foo(), Foo()
print(isinstance(f, Foo))  # prints "True"
print(isinstance(f, _Foo))  # prints "True"
print(f.mylist is g.mylist)  # prints "False"

Run it through MyPy and the revealed type of f and g will be: "Tuple[builtins.list[builtins.int], fallback=__main__.Foo]".

I'm not sure why I had to add the # type: ignore to get MyPy to stop complaining — if anybody can enlighten me on that, I'd be interested. Seems to work fine at runtime.

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Alex Waygood Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10

Alex Waygood

EDIT: Updated to use the approach of Alex, because this works much better than my previous idea.

Here is a Alex's Foo class put into a decorator:

from typing import NamedTuple, List, Callable, TypeVar, cast, Type
T = TypeVar('T')

def default_factory(**factory_kw: Callable) -> Callable[[Type[T]], Type[T]]:
    def wrapper(wcls:  Type[T]) -> Type[T]:
        def du_new(cls: Type[T], **kwargs) -> T:
            for key, factory in factory_kw.items():
                if key not in kwargs:
                    kwargs[key] = factory()
            return super(cls, cls).__new__(cls, **kwargs)  # type: ignore[misc]
        return type(f'{wcls.__name__}_', (wcls, ), {'__new__': du_new})
    return wrapper

class Foo(NamedTuple):
    my_list: List[int] = []  # you still need to define the default argument

foo1 = Foo()

foo2 = Foo()
print(foo2.my_list)  # prints []
#reveal_type(foo2) # prints Tuple[builtins.list[builtins.int], fallback=foo.Foo]
like image 1
Sebastian Wagner Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10

Sebastian Wagner