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Set default value for selectbox

I am new to streamlit. I tried to set a default value for sidebar.selectbox. The code is below. I appreciate the help! Thank you in advance.


fichier = st.sidebar.selectbox('Dataset', ('djia', 'msci', 'nyse_n', 'nyse_o', 'sp500', 'tse'))

window_ANTICOR = st.sidebar.selectbox('Window ANTICOR', ['<select>',3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30])
if window_ANTICOR == '<select>':    
    window_ANTICOR == 30

window_OLMAR = st.sidebar.selectbox('Window OLMAR', ['<select>',3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30])
if window_OLMAR == '<select>':    
    window_OLMAR == 5

eps_OLMAR = st.sidebar.selectbox('Eps OLMAR', ['<select>', 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30])
if eps_OLMAR == '<select>':    
    eps_OLMAR == 10

eps_PAMR = st.sidebar.selectbox('Eps PAMR', ['<select>',0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1])
if eps_PAMR == '<select>':    
    eps_PAMR == 0.5

variant = st.sidebar.selectbox('Variant PAMR', (0, 1, 2))
if variant == '<select>':    
    eps_PAMR == 0
like image 562
vetheve Avatar asked Nov 26 '20 17:11


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To assign default values to a selection criterion, you use the following syntax: SELECT-OPTIONS seltab FOR f DEFAULT g [TO h ].... Default values g and h can be literals or field names. You can only use fields that contain a value when the program is started.

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Definition and UsageThe selected attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that an option should be pre-selected when the page loads. The pre-selected option will be displayed first in the drop-down list. Tip: The selected attribute can also be set after the page loads, with a JavaScript.

2 Answers

Use the index keyword of the selectbox widget. Pass the index of the value in the options list that you want to be the default choice.

E.g. if you wanted to set the default choice of the selectbox labeled 'Window ANTICOR' to 30 (which you appear to be trying to do), you could simply do this:

values = ['<select>',3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30]
default_ix = values.index(30)
window_ANTICOR = st.sidebar.selectbox('Window ANTICOR', values, index=default_ix)

Source: https://docs.streamlit.io/library/api-reference/widgets/st.selectbox

like image 60
wlo Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11


you can directly give index also for default position

bins = st.sidebar.radio(label="Category :", options=n3, index=0) for more information enter link description here

like image 32
AtmaKumar Rai Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

AtmaKumar Rai