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typing animated text

I have DIV tag with text inside. Is it possible to change the text content in a loop with a typing effect, where it types out, then goes backward deleting the letters and starting all over with a new text? Is this possible with jquery?

like image 506
Erik Avatar asked Feb 21 '13 23:02


1 Answers

Just a simple approach:

$("[data-typer]").attr("data-typer", function(i, txt) {

  var $typer = $(this),
    tot = txt.length,
    pauseMax = 300,
    pauseMin = 60,
    ch = 0;

  (function typeIt() {
    if (ch > tot) return;
    $typer.text(txt.substring(0, ch++));
    setTimeout(typeIt, ~~(Math.random() * (pauseMax - pauseMin + 1) + pauseMin));

[data-typer]:after {
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: middle;
  background: #000;
          animation: caretPulsate 1s linear infinite; 
  -webkit-animation: caretPulsate 1s linear infinite; 
@keyframes caretPulsate {
  0%   {opacity:1;}
  50%  {opacity:1;}
  60%  {opacity:0;}
  100% {opacity:0;}
@-webkit-keyframes caretPulsate {
  0%   {opacity:1;}
  50%  {opacity:1;}
  60%  {opacity:0;}
  100% {opacity:0;}
<span data-typer="Hi! My name is Al. I will guide you trough the Setup process."></span>
<h3 data-typer="This is another typing animated text"></h3>

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

So basically jQuery gets the data-text of your element, inserts character by character, and the pulsating "caret" is nothing by a CSS3 animated :after element of that SPAN.

See also: Generate random number between two numbers in JavaScript

like image 68
Roko C. Buljan Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 12:11

Roko C. Buljan