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jQuery load content when scroll to bottom-100px of page, multiple events fired

I want an event to load more content when a user is scrolling and reaches nearly the bottom of the page, say about 100px from the bottom, the problem is that the events get fired every single time you scroll in that lower 100px of the page, so that's an obvious issue that cannot happen, for obvious reasons, so I am wondering how I can do this best, I have checked out other answers/questions on here, however the one solution that partially works doesn't fit what I need it to do, and when i try to change it so it will, it completely freezes my browser every time. this is the question: Check if a user has scrolled to the bottom

The answer I'm looking at is near the bottom, but here is the code he suggests:

$(window).scroll(function() {
   if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 100) {
       alert("near bottom!");

now like I said, this does work and prevents more than one event being fired, the problem is I need to have a endless amount of events fired, say i load 100 rows of information when you reach the bottom, but there are still 1500 more, i need it to repeat each time to load every amount of information (once you reach the bottom 100px part of the page each time)

so what I have tried to do is:

 function loadMore()
   alert("More loaded");

$(window).scroll(function() {
   if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 100) {

like I said, this freezes up my browser immediately every time, the binding part.

like image 969
Dylan Cross Avatar asked Nov 05 '12 17:11

Dylan Cross

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How to load data when scroll down in jQuery?

In jQuery, check whether you have hit the bottom of page using scroll function. Once you hit that, make an ajax call (you can show a loading image here till ajax response) and get the next set of data, append it to the div. This function gets executed as you scroll down the page again.

What is jQuery scrollTop?

jQuery scrollTop() Method The scrollTop() method sets or returns the vertical scrollbar position for the selected elements. Tip: When the scrollbar is on the top, the position is 0. When used to return the position: This method returns the vertical position of the scrollbar for the FIRST matched element.

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$(document). ready(function(){ var scrollPos = 0; var Counter = 0; $(window). scroll(function(){ var scrollPosCur = $(this). scrollTop(); if (scrollPosCur > scrollPos) { Counter -= 1; } else { Counter += 1; } scrollPos = scrollPosCur; }); });

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Definition and Usage. The onscroll event occurs when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled. Tip: use the CSS overflow style property to create a scrollbar for an element.

1 Answers

I was having this same problem too. I came across this link and it really helped (and worked)!

Update: I looked at the code and I think that when you rebind, you are missing the function to rebind to.


 function loadMore()
   console.log("More loaded");
   $(window).bind('scroll', bindScroll);

 function bindScroll(){
   if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 100) {

like image 132
JoeFletch Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
