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Typewriter sounds for emacs




I would like to set up emacs so that it plays a typewriter sounds when typing text into the buffer, as well as a carriage return sound when hitting enter (similar to the Q10 editor on windows). Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might go about this? Is there a hook that I could use?

I currently use aquamacs and emacs 22, but am not averse to upgrading.

EDIT: In case anyone is interested, the vim version of this question was asked here: How can I make VIM play typewriter sound when I write a letter?

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Simon Byrne Avatar asked Jun 26 '12 11:06

Simon Byrne

3 Answers

First you must establish some way to play sound:

    (defun play-typewriter-sound ()
      (let ((data-directory "~/Dowloads/Sounds"))
        (play-sound `(sound :file "key1.wav"))))

...doesn't work on Mac OSX Emacs for example since it's not compiled with sound support. There are workarounds though, see for example http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcSound

  • Then, you can use advice on any Emacsen

    (defadvice self-insert-command (after play-a-sound activate)

    You could also advise newline-and-indent.

  • On Emacs24 you now have post-self-insert-hook

    (add-hook 'post-self-insert-hook 'play-typewriter-sound)
  • If you don't like defadvice you can use post-command-hook and check the name of this-command there:

    (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'play-typewriter-sound-maybe)
    (defun play-typewriter-sound-maybe ()
      (if (eq this-command 'self-insert-command)
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Joao Tavora Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10

Joao Tavora

If someone need this using afplay here whats I use

(defun play (audio-name)
    (let* (buf (get-buffer-create "playnoise"))
         "play" buf (concat (format "afplay /Users/foo/audios/%s" audio-name) ".mp3"))))

(play "wrong")
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Édipo Féderle Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10

Édipo Féderle

This is quite an old question now, but in case somebody stumbles into this, there's selectric-mode for emacs in MELPA now.

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wringles Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10
