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Typescript angular directive controller function

I have an issue writing angular directives in typescript. I want to write my directives using typescript classes. Everything works fine except the controller function.

class myDirective implements ng.IDirective{

public priority :number = 999;
public require :String[] = ["ngModel","myDirective"];

public controller(){
    var test = 1;
    return {
      reset : function(){
         test = 0;

public link($scope: ng.IScope, elm: JQuery, attr: ng.IAttributes, ctrlArray: any){
    var controller;
    controller = ctrlArray[1];

static factory(): ng.IDirectiveFactory{
    var directive = () => new myDirective();
    return directive;
export = myDirective;

But when running this in angular I get a "undefined is not a function" when controller.reset() is called inside the link function. When I inspect controller i just get prototype Object, there is no reset function defined.

When I write my directive like this, it works.

function myDirective(): ng.IDirective{
return {
    priority: 999,
    require: ["ngModel","myDirective"],
    controller: function(){
        var test = 1;
        this.reset = function(){
            test = 0;
    link: function($scope: ng.IScope, elm: JQuery, attr: ng.IAttributes, ctrlArray: any){
        var controller;
        controller = ctrlArray[1];
export = myDirective;

The difference is in the way the controller function is written. In the typescript class I use.

return {
      reset : function(){
         test = 0;

in the function way I use

this.reset = function(){
            test = 0;

Unfortunately, typescript doesn't let me use the second way inside a typescript class. IS there anything I am missing, or am I approaching this entirely from the wrong angle?

like image 265
siemprepe Avatar asked Apr 16 '15 06:04


1 Answers

This is the directive design that we've been using :

export class FooDirectiveController {

    static $inject = ['$element', '$scope'];
    constructor(public $element: JQuery, public $scope: FooDirectiveScope) {
        $scope.vm = this;

        // Any Jquery access goes here. Use $element

        // Setup any $watch on $scope that you need

export interface FooDirectiveScope extends ng.IScope {
    bar: string;

    // Local design only
    vm: FooDirectiveController;

dustApp.directives.directive('foo', function (): ng.IDirective {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            // NOTE : see documentation in type information
            bar: '='
        templateUrl: 'fooDirective.html',
        controller: FooDirectiveController

This way you controller is strongly typed and the directive definition object is dumb (and possibly angular 2 compatible).

like image 58
basarat Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10
