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Foundation and AngularJS

I am modifying an application using Zurb's Foundation framework for responsiveness and AngularJS. There is a bug where data displayed in a table with <tr ng-repeat="obj in entries">...</tr> has <td>'s which are hidden/shown based on Foundation's responsive rules. Unfortunately, when the angular model is updated, Foundation doesn't re-flow the newly rendered DOM.

I have tried using $(document).foundation('table') as I found in extensive google searching, but this didn't actually trigger a reflow of the responsive collapsed table. I also added a directive to trigger a simple $(window).trigger('resize') which works for the first call, but any subsequent calls do not.

Anybody else run into this?

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John F Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 15:08

John F

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3 Answers

Angular UI Bootstrap was not completely framework agnostic so we had to do some modifications to adapt it to Foundation. You can see the result and code here: http://madmimi.github.io/angular-foundation/.

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sorich87 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11


You are mixing two technologies that dont play nice together.

The JS assets provided by Zurb Foundation will inevitably have conflicts with the digest cycle in AngularJS. For this reason --- Angular-Bootstrap projects emerged to transform jquery plugins into AngularJS directives.


I don't believe the same level of support, "if any", is offered for Zurb Foundation.

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Dan Kanze Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Dan Kanze

You are not forced to use Bootstrap with Angular all the times.

You can use this project here http://madmimi.github.io/angular-foundation/ which tries to do the same as UI BOOTSTRAP.

Also you can reference this thread Using Zurb Foundation Interchange with AngularJS

Hope this helps!

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Alejandro Nanez Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Alejandro Nanez