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AngularJS $http.delete Request with Body and Headers

Hey so for POST/PUT requests simply doing

$http.post(url, body, headers)

worked fine

But with DELETE it gets my body, but completely ignores my headers...

$http.delete(url, body, headers)
like image 904
Patrick Duncan Avatar asked Jun 24 '16 16:06

Patrick Duncan

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2 Answers

The documentation is terrible, with v1.3.20 you need to do:

$http.delete(url, {data: {...}, headers: {...}})

... which is completely different than post/put for some reason.

like image 63
Patrick Duncan Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11

Patrick Duncan

The two key elements to include in your options are the data an Content-Type (as part of your headers object). Your request would look something like:

$http.delete(url, {data: {...}, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'}})

Credit goes to @Harshit Anand for his on another SO post.

like image 20
astangelo Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11
