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Twitter status URL regex



I have an existing regex:


that I use for determining if a URL is a twitter status update URL. Eg.


But ever since "new" twitter came out, they have changed the status URL's to look like :


with the added /#!

So my question is : How can I modify my regex to match both URL's?

My final failed attempt was:

like image 640
vinnie Avatar asked Nov 09 '10 20:11


3 Answers

Try this: /^https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/(?:#!\/)?(\w+)\/status(es)?\/(\d+)$/

This will match both the original URLs and the new hash tag URLs.

If you just want to match the new URLs, this should do it: /^https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/#!\/(\w+)\/status(es)?\/(\d+)$/

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Kevin Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10


approved answer will not match shared twitter URLs like this: https://twitter.com/USATODAY/status/982270433385824260?s=19 because end of string flag "$"

// working solution

test: https://regex101.com/r/mNsp3o/4

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webolizzer Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10


Your solution is pretty close. You can simply add the #!/ as an optional element like this:


So the full regex would look like this:

like image 43
Gavin Miller Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10

Gavin Miller