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How to use regular expression in the WHERE clause of query in Laravel?

I have a table named "Shows". There is a column "show_date". I want to retrieve the shows whose show_date is todays date.

Following is my query

  $s = DB::table('shows')->get();
  $a = DB::table('shows')->select('show_date')->get();
  foreach ($s as $key => $value) 
    $date_test = date('Y-m-d');
    $s_test = DB::table('shows')->where('show_date',preg_grep('/"'.$value->show_date.'"./',         $a->show_date))->get();
    echo "<pre>"; var_dump($s_test);
   if(explode(" ",$value->show_date)[0] == date('Y-m-d'))
    $shows1 = DB::table('shows')->where('id',$value->id)->get();
    $s1 = DB::table('transactions')
        ->select(DB::raw("GROUP_CONCAT(selected_seats SEPARATOR '') as selected_seats"),'userid','amount','show_id')
        ->orderBy('amount', 'DESC')

        if($s1 != null)

        echo $value->id;
        $c = count($s1); 

        $sub_count1 = 0; $next_id = ""; $total_array = 0;

        $first_character = $s1[$i]->selected_seats;

        $sub_count = substr_count($s1[$i]->selected_seats, ',');

        $sub_count1 = $sub_count1 + $sub_count;//to get the total no. of seats

        // split the string with comma.
        $s = explode(',',$first_character);

       // get total no. of seat names listed in one row in table.eg A 1,B 2. Then $sub_count would be 2

        $p = $s[$j][0];



  // get seats for each show from transaction table.

  $demo = DB::table('theater_setting')->select('row_seats_selling_price','row')->where('show_id',$value->id)->get();
   foreach ($demo as $key => $val) {
 $demo4 = DB::table('theater_setting')->select('row_seats_selling_price','row')->where('show_id',$value->id)->get();

 $demo3 = DB::table('transactions')->where('show_id',$value->id)->select('selected_seats','userid')->get();

    $arr = explode(',', substr($demo3[$p]->selected_seats,0,-1)); 
    $trans[] = $demo3[$p]->userid;

    foreach ($arr as $k => $v) 


  foreach ($seats as $user_id=>$v)

    for ($h=0; $h < count($v); $h++) 

      $e = explode(" ", $v[$h]);

      $p = $e[0];
      $demo_array[$p][$user_id][] = $v[$h];          

    $users = DB::table('users')->where('id',$user_id)->get();          


  return view('Backend.NewReportByShowsCategory2')->with([
   return view('Backend.NewReportByShowsCategory2')->with([



I am getting the following error:

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string

like image 394
prajakta Avatar asked Jun 24 '16 07:06


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1 Answers

There is alternative way:

DB::table('shows')->where('show_date', 'REGEXP',  Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString())->get();
like image 169
haofly Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 17:09
