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Twitter - Status is a duplicate code - 187 - But Isn't



Using the Twitter REST API, I occasionally see this error,

Status is a duplicate code - 187

But the status is not a duplicate, I searched for any similar posts in the feed, and there are not any. Any idea why Twitter would throw this? The tweet does contain a link.

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James Avatar asked Jan 23 '14 12:01


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There was a problem authenticating your request. This could be due to missing or incorrect authentication credentials. This may also be returned in other undefined circumstances. Check that you are using the correct authentication method and that your credentials are correct.

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As the Twitter error message suggests, you can always try reloading the app/website/timeline multiple times. In most instances reported, reloading only causes the message to pop-up again, but anything is worth a try! If none of these things work, close the app and wait a few hours before trying to use it again.

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May 2022. In order to help people find credible and authentic information, and to promote a healthy public discourse on Twitter, we limit the visibility of duplicative (or also known as 'copypasta') Tweets.

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1 Answers

The standard Twitter Search API only goes back 7 days and then only returns a relevant set of tweets, where the definition of "relevant" is undefined. It's possible that the duplicate was over 7 days old.

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Joe Mayo Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 06:10

Joe Mayo