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Twig: set a variable inside a loop, use it outside that loop

I'm trying to define driverid, using set, as a var in for driver in assigned.driver cycle for use later. See below what I'm doing:

{% for key, assigned in pgn %}
    <tr id="device-{{ assigned.id }}">
        <td>{{ assigned.imei }}</td>
        <td>{{ assigned.description }}</td>
            {% for driver in assigned.driver %}
                {{ driver.driver.id }} {# check if driver.driver.id has values testing purposes - delete me #}
                {% set driverid = driver.driver.id %}

                {% if driver.driver.name != "" %}
                    {% if driver.driver.name %}
                        {{ driver.driver.name }}
                    {% else %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            <button class="btn btn-xs btn-default"
                    onclick="openAlert({{ assigned.id }}, {{ driverid }}, 'unlink')"
                    data-original-title="{{ "devices.actions.unlink"|trans }}"
                    title="{{ "devices.actions.unlink"|trans }}">
                <i class="fa fa-times"></i>
            <button class="btn btn-xs btn-default"
                    onclick="openAlert({{ assigned.id }}, null, 'delete')"
                    data-original-title="{{ "button.delete"|trans }}"
                    title="{{ "button.delete"|trans }}">
                <i class="fa fa-times"></i>
{% endfor %}

But I get this error:

Variable "driverid" does not exist in /var/www/html/src/Device/DeviceBundle/Resources/views/List/listDevices.html.twig at line 74

What's the right way to set that var to use later on openAlert() call? Or in others words how I get the driver.driver.id to pass it as a parameter to openAlert() function?

like image 544
ReynierPM Avatar asked Jul 15 '14 12:07


People also ask

What is Loop index0?

loop.index0. The current iteration of the loop. This variable starts counting at 0. loop.last. This variable evaluates to true, if it is the last iteration of the loop.

2 Answers

As they say here, this is not a bug, it's a feature: variables defined inside a loop are scoped to that loop.

But don't worry, you can define the var outside the loop and assign it inside, like this:

{% set driverid = '' %} {# <-- add this line: default empty value #}

{% for driver in assigned.driver %}
     {% set driverid = driver.driver.id %}

this should be enough to make it work.

like image 57
Paolo Stefan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Paolo Stefan

If assigned.driver is empty, then the for loop is never executed so the variable won't be defined. What you need to do is to initialize this variable outside of the loop: {% set driverid = null %}

like image 41
epicdev Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
