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TSQL - Update table from itself

Table Item (4 columns, simplified for the sake of clarity)

Record | Item | Price | Zone


1      | 100  | 10.00 | A
2      | 100  | NULL  | B
3      | 100  | NULL  | C
4      | 200  | 25.00 | A
5      | 200  | NULL  | B

Trying to update the NULLs with the corresponding values from the non-NULLs based on Item. So all Item 100s would read 10.00 and both Item 200s would read 25.00.

I feel like this should be super easy, but can't figure out the self reference.


like image 677
FreeMars Avatar asked Aug 27 '12 23:08


People also ask

How do I update a table in SQL?

The first part, ' UPDATE X ' is simply ' UPDATE ' followed by the alias of the table (you don't need to say the table's name there) And (contrary to what some internet randos will tell you) you don't need to add a where clause to stop the update from applying to all rows of the table.

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Despite writing T-SQL day in day out since forever, I often forget the syntax for an UPDATE statement that JOINS with another table (possibly itself). So here it is: The first part, ' UPDATE X ' is simply ' UPDATE ' followed by the alias of the table (you don't need to say the table's name there)

How do I update a table without adding a where clause?

So here it is: The first part, ' UPDATE X ' is simply ' UPDATE ' followed by the alias of the table (you don't need to say the table's name there) And (contrary to what some internet randos will tell you) you don't need to add a where clause to stop the update from applying to all rows of the table.

1 Answers

here u go

SET a.Price=b.Price
FROM  Item AS a
ON a.item=b.item
WHERE a.Price is NULL AND b.price is NOT NULL

or if there are multiple Non-null prices and you want to choose maximum price.

 SET a.Price=(SELECT MAX(b.PRICE) FROM ITEM AS b WHERE b.Item=a.Item and b.Price is not null )
 FROM  Item AS a
 WHERE a.Price is NULL  
like image 198
ClearLogic Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10
