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sql server 2012 express do not understand Russian letters




I have DB which is working with Russian text however when i run queries it shows me this. Database will used by Russians and it has to show Russian text properly!

enter image description here

Any ideas how to fix it? In the future it will located in Russia and work with Russian version SQL Server but right now I am working on English version SQL 2012 Express.

Here is the table and insert statement:

Create table Employee
 EmpID int not null IDENTITY (10, 1), 
 StrName nvarchar (25) not null, 
 Phone1 nvarchar (25) not null,
 Phone2 nvarchar (25)
 Primary Key (EmpID),
insert into  Employee  (LastName , FirstName,Phone1,Phone2)
  values ('Иванов','111 111 11111','111 111 1111');
like image 967
Andrey Avatar asked Aug 20 '13 01:08


People also ask

How can I store non English characters in SQL Server?

When you want to store a foreign language in your SQL Server, you have to use the data type NVARCHAR for your column. If you do not use the datatype NVARCHAR, you will be not able to store non-English strings.

What is collation sensitivity in SQL Server?

Collations in SQL Server provide sorting rules, case, and accent sensitivity properties for your data. Collations that are used with character data types, such as char and varchar, dictate the code page and corresponding characters that can be represented for that data type.

How do I change the language in SQL?

Using SQL Server Management StudioIn Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties. Click the Advanced tab. In the Default language box, choose the language in which Microsoft SQL Server should display system messages. The default language is English.

2 Answers

Are you sure the data has been stored in the database correctly? How do you know?

Make sure that the column has a proper collation, that it is defined as nvarchar and that inserts of string literals are prefixed with N. For example, these are not the same:

INSERT dbo.table(column) SELECT 'foo';
INSERT dbo.table(column) SELECT N'foo';

As an example:

USE tempdb;

  bar NVARCHAR(32) COLLATE SQL_Ukrainian_CP1251_CI_AS


SELECT ID, bar FROM dbo.foo;
DROP TABLE dbo.foo;


ID    bar
----  --------------
1     ????????Z?????

And to show how this affects your insert statement, your string is missing the N prefix:

  CONVERT(NVARCHAR(32), 'Иванов'),
  CONVERT(NVARCHAR(32), N'Иванов');


------    ------
??????    Иванов

So, prefix your Unicode strings with N'a prefix' or lose data.

like image 165
Aaron Bertrand Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Aaron Bertrand

While Aaron Bertrand gave a good explanation why do you getting such a results, I'd say there's a way not to prefix all you strings with russian letters with 'N'.
As far as I know, you have just set your server collation properly. So if you set your collation, for example, like Cyrillic_General_CI_AS, server could treat varchar with russian letters properly:

    'español', '平成年月日', 'иван',


espanol ?????   иван    Cyrillic_General_CI_AS

As you see, spanish and Chinese strings are not treated properly while russian strings are. So you can insert data into nvarchar columns without prefixing strings with 'N'

That said, I'm using nvarchar data type in our database as default strings, nvarchar parameters in stored procedures. I very rarely use russian strings in code (only when I want to test something), and I've never used N'string' syntax.

While having correct default collation could be handy, there's problem with this solution - it's not easy to change default collation on installed SQL Server, so you have to be careful when installing SQL Server instance and choose collation properly.

like image 30
Roman Pekar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Roman Pekar