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Exporting SQL Server Table to multiple part files

I need to export a fairly large SQL Server table ~100GB to a CSV file. But rather than the output be a single csv file, it should ideally be multiple files say 10 files each 10GB.

I see BCP has a batch_size argument but this still writes all data to a single file? Are there other free utilities for doing what I require? Either where the size of file can be specified in bytes or number of rows?

For bit of context this is so the data can be combined with other sources in a Hive/Hadoop platform, so if there are better ways of exporting the data I'm open for suggestions.

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Jon Avatar asked Jul 13 '13 16:07


2 Answers

I think you could use SQL 2012's paging functions OFFSET and FETCH in conjunction with bcp:

FROM Table
ORDER BY ID --Primary Key
OFFSET 100000001 ROWS
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Hart CO Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10

Hart CO

BCP's batch_size argument does not control the output, unfortunately.

Ways I've done this type of splitting:

1 - Simple but non-repeatable: Create a command file (.cmd) that runs a multiple BCPs over the table for specific row ranges. This probably requires an IDENTITY(1,1) based primary key on the table.

bcp "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id BETWEEN 0 AND 10000000" queryout …  
bcp "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id BETWEEN 10000000 AND 20000000" queryout …   

2 - Simple and repeatable, uses a lot of disk: BCP out the entire table to a single file and use split to create as many new files as needed with a given number of bytes in each (note: splitting by lines would be a better idea IMO). Use 'Cygwin' (GnuWin32 no longer maintained) to install split and any other utilities you want.

 bcp MyDb.MySchema.MyTable out C:\MyFile.csv -T -w  
 split -b 10737418240 C:\MyFile.csv C:\MySplitFile_  

Generates the following files


3 - Complex but repeatable, requires possibly insecure T-SQL: Use the xp_cmdshell function to call BCP inside a stored procedure that iterates through the table.

 DECLARE @loop AS INT;   
 --Use WHILE to loop as needed--   
 --Add code to generate dynamic SQL here--   
 SELECT @bcp='BCP "'+@sql+'" queryout C:\MyFolder\MyFile_'+@loop+'.csv';   

FINAL NOTE: If you are using any NVARCHAR fields in your data then you need to use the -w flag and be aware that the output will be in UTF-16LE. I would strongly recommend converting that to UTF-8 using iconv (from 'Cygwin' again) before trying to do anything with it in Hadoop.

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Joe Harris Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10

Joe Harris