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tsconfig.json: Build:No inputs were found in config file

Add an empty typescript file to the typescript scripts folder (the location of your tsconfig file) to satisfy the typescript compiler.

You can also try to restart your code editor. That works well too.

This can occur because typescript server can't find any files described by the include array:

// tsconfig.json
  "include": [

If you're using VSCode, you can restart your TS server within your editor super easily to prompt it to re-evaluate the file like this:

  1. Navigate to any .ts or .tsx file

  2. Open the command palette (CMD + SHIFT + P on mac)

  3. Run the TypeScript: Restart TS server command:

    TypeScript - Restart TS Server

I'm not using TypeScript in this project at all so it's quite frustrating having to deal with this. I fixed this by adding a tsconfig.json and an empty file.ts file to the project root. The tsconfig.json contains this:

  "compilerOptions": {

    "allowJs": false,
    "noEmit": true // Do not compile the JS (or TS) files in this project on build

  "compileOnSave": false,
  "exclude": [ "src", "wwwroot" ],
  "include": [ "file.ts" ]

If you are using the vs code for editing then try restarting the editor.This scenario fixed my issue.I think it's the issue with editor cache.

When you create the tsconfig.json file by tsc --init, then it comments the input and output file directory. So this is the root cause of the error.

To get around the problem, uncomment these two lines:

"outDir": "./", 
"rootDir": "./", 

Initially it would look like above after un-commenting.

But all my .ts scripts were inside src folder. So I have specified /src.

"outDir": "./scripts", 
"rootDir": "./src", 

Please note that you need to specify the location of your .ts scripts in rootDir.