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Trying to get Gloss Graphics library working

I'm trying to find a simple graphics library for haskell and Gloss seemed simple, from the examples.

I've taken a very simple example, but I'm struggling to get it to work.

import Graphics.Gloss
displayInWindow "My Window" (200, 200) (10, 10) blue (circle 80)

Compiling with ghc test.hs I get:

 compilation IS NOT required
 Undefined symbols:
 "_glosszm1zi3zi4zi1_GraphicsziGlossziDataziColor_blue_closure", referenced from:
  _Main_main_info in test.o
  _Main_main_srt in test.o
 "_glosszm1zi3zi4zi1_GraphicsziGlossziDataziPicture_circle_closure", referenced from:
  _spy_info in test.o
  _spy_srt in test.o
 "___stginit_glosszm1zi3zi4zi1_GraphicsziGloss_", referenced from:
  ___stginit_Main_ in test.o                 
 "_glosszm1zi3zi4zi1_GraphicsziGlossziInternalsziInterfaceziDisplay_displayInWindow_closure",      referenced from:
  _Main_main_info in test.o
  _Main_main_srt in test.o
 ld: symbol(s) not found
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I have slightly more success with ghci. Running the same code, I get a white rectangle to appear, but it doesn't draw anything and is unresponsive. I have to quit the process to get back control of my terminal.

I'd also be interested in alternative graphics libraries if something else is more suitable. I'm finding it a bit difficult to know what libraries are worth looking at. My requirements are vague, I just want to draw something to the screen.

I'm using Mac OS X 10.6.8

like image 718
Peter Hall Avatar asked Sep 15 '11 22:09

Peter Hall

1 Answers

You probably just need to use ghc --make test.hs instead. Newer versions of ghc make --make the default.

like image 57
Daniel Wagner Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10

Daniel Wagner