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troubles with \toprule and \midrule in siunitx table [closed]




Having the following siunitx table code in LyX, for each occurrence of \toprule and \midrule I obtain an error message:

The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., \hobx'), typeI' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

I correctly imported siunitx in the preamble. TexLive version: 2012.10.20121205_r28449.fc18

LaTeX code:


{Dimensione finestra} & {Perdita} & {Tempo}\\
{} & {} & {(secondi)}\\
10                & 0$\%$       & 121\\
10                & 10$\%$       & 127\\
10                & 20$\%$       & 176\\
10                & 30$\%$       & 257\\
10                & 40$\%$       & 442\\
10                & 50$\%$       & 780\\
10                & 60$\%$       & 1226\\
10                & 70$\%$       & 1469\\
10                & 80$\%$       & 1904 \\
10                & 90$\%$       & 3234 \\
50                & 0$\%$        & 46 \\
50                & 10$\%$       &109 \\
50                & 20$\%$       &146 \\
50                & 30$\%$       &202 \\
50                & 40$\%$       &257 \\
50                & 50$\%$       &373 \\
50                & 60$\%$       &544 \\
50                & 70$\%$       &760 \\
50                & 80$\%$       &1356 \\
50                & 90$\%$       &6588 \\
100                & 0$\%$       &76 \\
100                & 10$\%$       &91 \\
100                & 20$\%$       &109 \\
100                & 30$\%$       &146 \\
100                & 40$\%$       &180 \\
100                & 50$\%$       &297 \\
100                & 60$\%$       &414 \\
100                & 70$\%$       &585 \\
100                & 80$\%$       &1355 \\
100                & 90$\%$       &4326 \\

like image 901
Germano Massullo Avatar asked Jan 22 '13 09:01

Germano Massullo

1 Answers



solved the problem :O

like image 98
Germano Massullo Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 20:10

Germano Massullo