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Triggering a Jenkins build on GitHub merge event




I installed Github Plugin and set the Poll SCM to 1 minute. Below is a picture of my configuration.

build triggers

So when I commit on my repo, a minute after that the build starts.

On my github repo I created a webhook (but it timesout) and a service which doesnt work either (I think the problem is on my jenkins server).

But the checkbox "Build when a change is pushed to GitHub" is missing.

like image 709
Johannes Gnadlinger Avatar asked Jan 30 '17 11:01

Johannes Gnadlinger

Video Answer

1 Answers

On the v1.25.1 release of the GitHub plugin, trigger Build when a change is pushed to GitHub has been renamed to GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling.

like image 103
afxentios Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10
