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Is there any way to show all GitHub tickets without an assignee?



It seems kinda silly that this feature wouldn't be there. I feel like I am overlooking something obvious, but I haven't been able to Google any answer successfully.

like image 932
benuuu Avatar asked Mar 14 '12 23:03


People also ask

What is GitHub pull request assignee?

GitHub Action: Pull Request AssigneeAssigns a Pull Request to the person who created it, if they belong to the organization and have push permission in the repository.

How do I add multiple assignees to GitHub?

Using multiple assignees Assignees can be added and removed on the web UI by clicking on the assignees dropdown in the sidebar and adding multiple users.

How do I search PRS on GitHub?

You can use the GitHub CLI to search for issues or pull requests. Use the gh issue list or gh pr list subcommand along with the --search argument and a search query. For example, you can list, in order of date created, all issues that have no assignee and that have the label help wanted or bug .

How do I assign an issue to myself on GitHub?

On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests. Open the issue or pull request that you want to assign to someone. If no one is assigned to an issue or pull request, click assign yourself to assign yourself.

2 Answers

@LyndenShields's answer doesn't seem to work anymore.

At this date (March 16, 2015), the way to search for issues that have no assignee is to use the no: qualifier in the issues Filter field:


new github issue filter no assignee

Alternatively, you could use the following query string to achieve the same:


EDIT: Note that I could not make it work if I only had one qualifier specified (ie. you may need to add another one and have it like no:assignee is:open).

EDIT #2 (March 16, 2016): the above edit is not accurate anymore (hence the strikethrough); GitHub now accepts search queries with one qualifier only.

EDIT #3 (July 26, 2017): removed the %01 from the end of the URL - it basically is an unused character, but I believe GitHub interpreted it as a space. Indeed, when you use it this way, GitHub will automatically add a space, I guess to make sure other qualifiers can easily be added. Strangely, though, it will add a %20 to the end of the URL today, but again, you can simply omit that part. The %3A between the words no and assignee is the character code for Colon. See a full list here.

EDIT #4 (June 30, 2020): this is now possible via the UI: simply go to your issues list (https://github.com/<username>/<repo>/issues) then choose Assigned to nobody from the Assignee dropdown:

Assigned to nobody selected in the Assignee dropdown on the issues list of a GitHub repository

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benomatis Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10


Go to the issues list and show issues assigned to yourself. Look in the URL bar and change where it has your username to none just after 'assigned/' and press enter. The UI will look the same but the list will have only unassigned issues.


like image 23
Lynden Shields Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10

Lynden Shields