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How do I delete a forked GitHub repo that's unavailable due to DCMA takedown?

Does anyone know how to delete a forked GitHub repo that's been subject to a DCMA takedown? The repo is there (with a DCMA banner) but I can't do anything to it. I've tried clicking the 'settings' tab but nothing happens.

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Sol Crenshaw Avatar asked Aug 17 '14 21:08

Sol Crenshaw

1 Answers

You can not delete that repository on your own. I also had a fork that's been subject to DCMA takedown. I send a mail at GitHub Contact and requested to delete that repository. After 2 days, the repository was deleted.

You can also check the GitHub article on DCMA Takedown Policy.

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Manuel Rony Gomes Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11

Manuel Rony Gomes