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How create a badge with test coverage (jacoco) on github (actions)

In spring project, I use jacoco plugin to measure test coverage.

I see the html report like below:

enter image description here

Now I would like to add a badge to github project with this percentage, something like this:

enter image description here

Any idea how can I combine jacoco with github actions?

like image 616
tostao Avatar asked Dec 05 '19 21:12


People also ask

How do I add action badges to GitHub?

To add a workflow status badge to your README.md file, first find the URL for the status badge you would like to display. Then you can use Markdown to display the badge as an image in your README.md file. For more information about image markup in Markdown, see "Basic writing and formatting syntax."

What is code coverage in GitHub actions?

A GitHub Action that reads Cobertura format code coverage files from your test suite and outputs a text or markdown summary. This summary can be posted as a Pull Request comment or included in Release Notes by other actions to give you an immediate insight into the health of your code without using a third-party site.

How coverage is calculated by JaCoCo?

To calculate the code coverage percentage, simply use the following formula: Code Coverage Percentage = (Number of lines of code executed by a testing algorithm/Total number of lines of code in a system component) * 100. 16) Where is the JaCoCo report generated Gradle?

2 Answers

You can use GitHub actions to generate a badge using GitHub Workflow (no need to other servers). You could write your own jobs/steps or use my just published action: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/badge-action .

First, you need to parse the coverage result file and extract the value (81 in your example). Here, I used parse-coverage-report as an example command (you'll need to create it by yourself). Finally, save this value as a GitHub workflow output:

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Generate test coverage badge

    - name: Generate a coverage value
      id: coverage
      # Generates a GitHub Workflow output named `lines`
      run: |
        COVERAGE="$( parse-coverage-report )"
        echo "##[set-output name=lines;]${COVERAGE}%"

    # Use the output from the `coverage` step
    - name: Generate the badge SVG image
      uses: emibcn/badge-action@v1
        label: 'Test coverage'
        status: ${{ steps.coverage.outputs.lines }}
        color: 'blue,555,daf'
        path: badge.svg

This saves the badge as file badge.svg. Now, you decide wether to upload this badge to the same repository, to an S3 or whatever you prefer. Being that a coverage report, I suppose you'll like to upload that to same's repo 1) same branch it was extracted from or 2) dedicated branch badges:

1) Push to same branch it was extracted from

    - name: Extract branch name
      shell: bash
      run: echo "##[set-output name=branch;]$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})"
      id: extract_branch
    - name: Create badges dir if necessary
      run: mkdir -p .github/badges
    - name: Generate the badge SVG image
      uses: emibcn/badge-action@v1
        label: 'Test coverage'
        status: ${{ steps.coverage.outputs.lines }}
        color: 'blue,555,daf'
        path: .github/badges/badge.svg
    - name: Commit badge
      run: |
        git config --local user.email "[email protected]"
        git config --local user.name "GitHub Action"
        git add .github/badges/badge.svg
        git commit -m "Add/Update badge"
    - name: Push badge commit
      uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        branch: ${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.branch }}

The extract_branch step has been taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/58035262/2928168 .

2) Push to dedicated branch badges

First, create and push the dedicated branch badges with (extracted from StackOverflow):

git checkout master

# Use a fresh start
git checkout --orphan badges

# Unstage all the files in your working tree.
git rm --cached $(git ls-files)

# Create a dedicated README file, so it's clear what's going on here
echo '# Badges branch' > README.md
git add README.md
git commit -m 'Add dedicated README'
git push origin badges
    - name: Extract branch name
      shell: bash
      run: echo "##[set-output name=branch;]$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})"
      id: extract_branch
    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
        ref: badges
        path: badges
    - name: Create badges dir if necessary
        BRANCH: ${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.branch }}
      run: mkdir -p badges/${BRANCH}
    - name: Generate the badge SVG image
      uses: emibcn/badge-action@v1
        label: 'Test coverage'
        status: ${{ steps.coverage.outputs.lines }}
        color: 'blue,555,daf'
        path: badges/${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.branch }}/badge.svg
    - name: Commit badge
        BRANCH: ${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.branch }}
      run: |
        pushd badges
            git config --local user.email "[email protected]"
            git config --local user.name "GitHub Action"
            git add "${BRANCH}/badge.svg"
            git commit -m "Add/Update badge"
    - name: Push badge commit
      uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        branch: badges
        directory: badges


If you coverage report is a typical clover coverage.xml file, you can use this action to parse and output the coverage value. For example:

- name: Check test coverage
  uses: johanvanhelden/gha-clover-test-coverage-check@v1
  id: coverage
    percentage: "50"
    filename: "coverage.xml"
# Use the output from the `coverage` step
- name: Generate the badge SVG image
  uses: emibcn/badge-action@v1
  id: badge
    label: 'Coverage'
    status: ${{ steps.coverage.outputs.coverage }}
    path: ./badges/test-coverage.svg
    color: ${{ steps.coverage.outputs.coveragelines > 75 && 'green' || 'red' }}


You can make your badge change its background color depending on the coverage value, even using gradients:

# Use the output from the `coverage` step
- name: Generate the badge SVG image
  uses: emibcn/badge-action@v1
  id: badge
    label: 'Coverage'
    status: ${{ steps.coverage.outputs.coverage }}
    path: ./badges/test-coverage.svg
    color: ${{
          steps.coverage.outputs.coverage > 90 && 'green'              ||
          steps.coverage.outputs.coverage > 80 && 'yellow,green'       ||
          steps.coverage.outputs.coverage > 70 && 'yellow'             ||
          steps.coverage.outputs.coverage > 60 && 'orange,yellow'      ||
          steps.coverage.outputs.coverage > 50 && 'orange'             ||
          steps.coverage.outputs.coverage > 40 && 'red,orange'         ||
          steps.coverage.outputs.coverage > 30 && 'red,red,orange'     ||
          steps.coverage.outputs.coverage > 20 && 'red,red,red,orange' ||
          'red' }}


Updated the 2 workflows:

  • Same branch: Save badges into .github/badges/
  • Dedicated branch: Use a sub directory in the workflow to manage the badges, so workflow environment remains usable for further steps (for example, saving some cache).

UPDATE 4: Working examples

You can see working examples in some repositories workflows (add yours by editing the answer or commenting on it):

  • https://github.com/emibcn/covid/blob/master/.github/workflows/node.js.yml
  • https://github.com/emibcn/Rac1.js/blob/master/.github/workflows/node.js.yml
like image 154
emi Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10


You can use codecov seeing as they support every CI provider.

You will need two things:

  • An account from codecov and a token.
  • The codecov gh-action.

After you create your account and have access to a token, store the token as a secret in github actions. Call it CODECOV_TOKEN.

In your workflow, create a step that looks something like this and configure as needed:

- name: Upload coverage to Codecov  
  uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1
      token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}

See example workflow

In your README, create the status badge using the format:


Sources: Integrating Codecov with a GitHub project

like image 34
smac89 Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10
