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Travis CI Android Tests: no connected devices

I am trying to set up Travis for Android. Running the build seems to work so far, but when it comes to the tests, it complains about "No connected devices!"

:app:connectedAndroidTestDebug FAILED  FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.  * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:connectedAndroidTestDebug'. > com.android.builder.testing.api.DeviceException: java.lang.RuntimeException:      No connected devices! 

Here is my .travis.yml, and from what I understand, I am creating and starting an emulator for the tests, just the way as the documentation says.

language: android android:   components:     # Uncomment the lines below if you want to     # use the latest revision of Android SDK Tools     # - platform-tools     # - tools      # The BuildTools version used by your project     - build-tools-22.0.1      # The SDK version used to compile your project     - android-22      # Additional components     - extra-google-google_play_services     - extra-google-m2repository     - extra-android-m2repository     # - addon-google_apis-google-19     # - add-on     # - extra      # Specify at least one system image,     # if you need to run emulator(s) during your tests     - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-22     # - sys-img-x86-android-17    licenses:     - 'android-sdk-license-.+'    # Emulator Management: Create, Start and Wait   before_script:     - echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t android-22 --abi armeabi-v7a     - emulator -avd test -no-skin -no-audio -no-window &     - android-wait-for-emulator     - adb shell input keyevent 82 & 

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?

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Terry Avatar asked Jul 07 '15 09:07


2 Answers

Unfortunately i am not allowed to comment, as i just want to complete DominicJodoin's answer. Correct indentation and a longer ADB_INSTALL_TIMEOUT is necessary as DominicJodoin already stated.

In my opinion your Emulator is running but not ready to install an apk. With - adb wait-for-device you wait until the device connected. According to the Documentation this means:

Note that this command does not cause adb to wait until the entire system is fully booted. For that reason, you should not prepend it to other commands that require a fully booted system.

Try replacing this line with - android-wait-for-emulator in your travis.yml instead.


language: android jdk: oraclejdk7 cache:   directories:    - node_modules sudo: false  android:   components:    # Uncomment the lines below if you want to     # use the latest revision of Android SDK Tools     # - platform-tools     # - tools      # The BuildTools version used by your project     - build-tools-22.0.1      # The SDK version used to compile your project     - android-22      # Additional components     - extra-google-google_play_services     - extra-google-m2repository     - extra-android-m2repository     # - addon-google_apis-google-19     # - add-on     # - extra      # Specify at least one system image,     # if you need to run emulator(s) during your tests     - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-21     # - sys-img-x86-android-17    licenses:    - 'android-sdk-license-.+'  env:   global:    # install timeout in minutes (2 minutes by default)     - ADB_INSTALL_TIMEOUT=8  # Emulator Management: Create, Start and Wait before_script:   - echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t android-21 --abi armeabi-v7a   - emulator -avd test -no-skin -no-audio -no-window &   - android-wait-for-emulator   - adb shell input keyevent 82 &  script:   - android list target   - ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest 
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J-Bossi Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10


I think your problem is the sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-22 image is not available yet on Travis CI.

Indeed if you run the following command on Travis CI: android list target, the output for android-22 shows no Tag/ABIs : no ABIs.

I would suggest you try running your tests on the sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-21 in the meantime.

You can have a look at a sample Android project with unit tests I forked and ran successfully with your components but with sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-21 image on Travis CI:

  • Sample project
  • Travis CI build log

Hope this helps!

Edit: android-22 image should be available shortly on Travis CI. See the following pull request.

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Dominic Jodoin Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 14:10

Dominic Jodoin