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Traverse Array of objects to generate d3 Sankey Chart data

This input (tree-like structure) has to be formatted to a particular format to draw a d3 sankey diagram chart.

let unformattedJson = [
    "key": "a1",
    "value": 30,
    "buckets": [
        "key": "a2",
        "value": 10 
        "key": "b2",
        "value": 20 
    "key": "b1",
    "value": 70,
    "buckets": [
        "key": "b2",
        "value": 40 
        "key": "c2",
        "value": 30 

Expected output I need to generate is:

  "nodes": [
  "links": [

My approach for the solution. I made two functions to calculate node and links. For nodes, I made a recursive functions to get all the unique keys and assigned a id for each keys. And I made another functions to get all the relationship between the keys.

let makeNodeObj = function(orObj, index){
    let obj = {};
    obj.nodeId = index;
    obj.name = orObj;
    return obj;

var getUniqueKeys = (old, arr)=>{
  let toRet = old;
    if(toRet.indexOf(data.key)<0){ //remove duplicates
    if(data.buckets !== undefined && data.buckets.length>0){
        getUniqueKeys(toRet, data.buckets);
  return toRet;

let uniqueKeys = getUniqueKeys([],unformattedJson);

let nodes = uniqueKeys.map((data,index)=>{
  return makeNodeObj(data,index);

let getNodeId = function(nodes, key){
  let node = nodes.find((data)=>{
    return data.name == key
  return node.nodeId;

let links = [];
  let sourceId = getNodeId(nodes, data.key);
      let targetId = getNodeId(nodes,data2.key);
      let linkObj = {};
      linkObj.source = sourceId;
      linkObj.target = targetId;
      linkObj.value = data2.value;

  nodes, links

My solution will only work if there are only one level-deep buckets. How to achieve this for multiple nested buckets inside child?

like image 545
ideeps Avatar asked Feb 06 '19 20:02


1 Answers

I made a recursive approach for generate the expected output. Associations between a key and his generated id are keep with a Map. The approach uses the idea of traversing the tree with Deep First Search algorithm.

let unformattedJson = [
    "key": "a1",
    "value": 30,
    "buckets": [
        "key": "a2",
        "value": 10,
        "buckets": [
          {"key": "a3", "value": 99}
      {"key": "b2", "value": 20}
    "key": "b1",
    "value": 70,
    "buckets": [
      {"key": "b2", "value": 40},
      {"key": "c2", "value": 30}

const getData = (input, visited=new Map(), parent, nodes=[], links=[]) =>
    input.forEach(x =>
        // Add node into the node list, if not visited previosuly.

        if (!visited.has(x.key))
            let currId = nodes.length;
            nodes.push({nodeId: currId, name: x.key});
            visited.set(x.key, currId);

        // If a parent node exists, add relation into the links list.

        if (parent)
            // Note, we use the "Map" to get the ids.

                source: visited.get(parent.key),
                target: visited.get(x.key),
                value: x.value

        // Traverse (if required) to the next level of deep.

        if (x.buckets)
            getData(x.buckets, visited, x, nodes, links)

    return {nodes: nodes, links: links};

like image 191
Shidersz Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 11:11
