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ag-Grid customize tooltip using CSS


I was wondering whether there is a way to customize the built-in tooltip and the header tooltip using CSS? Is there a class name that can be referenced?

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al529 Avatar asked Feb 08 '19 19:02


2 Answers

Yes, there is a class called ag-tooltip in ag-grid.css

I'm able to customized the default headerTooltip, something like below:

   background-color: #0f1014;
   color: #999eab;
   border-radius: 2px;
   padding: 5px;
   border-width: 1px;
   border-style: solid;
   border-color: #545454;
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Waseem Barcha Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Waseem Barcha

In case you want to customize tooltip using a 3rd party library, you can make use of cell renderer component.
Here is an example using angular cell renderer component and ngx-bootstrap.

    selector: 'tooltip-cell',
    template: `<span tooltip="Custom text" container="body">{{params.value}}</span>`,
export class ToolTipRenderer implements ICellRendererAngularComp {
    public params: any;

    agInit(params: any): void {
        this.params = params;

    refresh(): boolean {
        return false;

Once created, you can register the custom cell renderer component using frameworkComponents gridOption. You can more details in the official doc here and more details on Cell Renderer Components

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Pratik Bhat Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Pratik Bhat