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Transactions in the Repository Pattern using ServiceStack.ORMLite

I'm implementing Repository Pattern using ServiceStack.ORMLite like this:

public class MyRepository : IMyRepository
    private IDbConnectionFactory DbConnectionFactory = null;

    public MyRepository(IDbConnectionFactory dbConnectionFactory)
        DbConnectionFactory = dbConnectionFactory;

    public void MyMethod()
        using (var connection = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
        using (var cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
            //Do something here

But I don't know how to handle DbTransaction when I need to warp some DB operation in a DbTransaction.It looks like TransactionScope is a solution but I don't know whether is way too heavy for this.

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Sword-Breaker Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 03:02


2 Answers

ServiceStack OrmLite gives you access to ADO.NET's raw IDbConnection and IDbTransaction classes which you should use instead of TransactionScope's. You can create a transaction by using the IDbConnection.OpenTransaction() extension method, e.g:

public class MyRepository : IMyRepository, IDisposable
    private IDbConnectionFactory DbFactory { get; set; }

    private IDbConnection db;
    private IDbConnection Db
        get { return db ?? (db = dbFactory.Open()); }

    public void WithTransactions()
        using (var trans = Db.OpenTransaction())
            //Do something here


    public List<Poco> WithoutTransactions()
        return Db.Select<Poco>();

    public void Dispose()
        if (db != null) 

Since it requires less code I prefer property injection and to use a Lazy Db property to simplify data access patterns for my methods.

Note: Whenever any of your classes keeps a reference to an open IDbConnection (like this one), it should be registered with a None/Transient or RequestScope so the connection gets disposed after use (i.e. don't register it as a singleton).

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mythz Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 20:11


I like mythz answer here but was having some trouble myself getting things to work as I would expect based on mythz feedback. I ran across this other answer that, at first, seemed not to be what I was looking for but really ended up putting me in the right direction.

Best practices of implementing unit of work and repository pattern using ServiceStack.ORMLite

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Josh Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11
