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Not finding .Include() method in my EF implementing Generic repository

I am using Generic repository to wrap DbContext and DbSet classes from upper level. However, when in certain queries I need to use ".Include()" method to include navigation properties. But I am unable to find these methods on repository methods returing IQueryable



this doesn't have include method, though I can use .ToList() here.

Any idea what could be wrong here?

like image 719
Nirman Avatar asked Mar 02 '13 14:03


1 Answers

Include for IQueryable<T> is an extension method that is implemented in namespace System.Data.Entity in the assembly EntityFramework.dll. So your project must reference this assembly and you must add

using System.Data.Entity;

at the beginning of your code file. It will make the string and lambda based version of Include available, so that you can use:



orderQuery.Include(o => o.Customer)
like image 122
Slauma Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10
