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TPNGObject - Create a new blank image and draw translucent images on it

I am building an application that has "virtual windows". The output is TImage object.

1) The application loads window skin files into TPNGObject's:


2) Then application has to create a new blank TPNGObject, and resize the skin files to needed sizes and draw them on that blank image. Should look something like this:

new form

3) And the final output on TImage:


The problem is that I do know how to create a completely blank off screen image. Of course I could simply render the skin files on to TImage each time, but it's easier and better to resize skin files and create the window once, instead.
I'm using the PNG Library by Gustavo Daud, version 1.564 (31st July, 2006).

like image 506
Little Helper Avatar asked Dec 18 '11 19:12

Little Helper

3 Answers

The below uses CreatePNG procedure of 'pngfunctions.pas' of Martijn Sally, from an extension library (pngcomponents) to pngimage.

  Bmp, Mask: TBitmap;
  PNG: TPNGObject;
  Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
  Bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
  Bmp.SetSize(64, 64);

  Bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
  Bmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clRed;
  Bmp.Canvas.Font.Size := 24;
  Bmp.Canvas.TextOut(4, 10, 'text');

  Mask := TBitmap.Create;
  Mask.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
  Mask.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
  Mask.SetSize(64, 64);
  Mask.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
  Mask.Canvas.Font.Size := 24;
  Mask.Canvas.TextOut(4, 10, 'text');

  PNG := TPNGObject.Create;
  CreatePNG(Bmp, Mask, PNG, False);
  PNG.Draw(Canvas, Rect(10, 10, 74, 74));

  // finally, free etc...

Here's the output (black, white squares are TShapes):

enter image description here

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Sertac Akyuz Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

Sertac Akyuz

My other answer is another alternative which I suggest. However your question still poses an issue: The PNG library must either have a bug which is preventing any canvas drawing from being visible (after using CreateBlank constructor with COLOR_RGBALPHA as color type) or we're all missing something.

It looks like the only workaround that I can see is (as you mention in your edit) use a Bitmap to do your drawing instead. Use the transparent properties of this bitmap (Transparent: Bool and TransparentColor: TColor) to set up the transparent area of your image, then when you need a transparent PNG, just copy that bitmap over to the new PNG object...

BMP.Width:= 100;
BMP.Height:= 100;
BMP.Transparent:= True;
BMP.TransparentColor:= clWhite;
BMP.Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsSolid;
BMP.Canvas.Brush.Color:= clWhite;
BMP.Canvas.Brush.Color:= clBlue;
BMP.Canvas.Ellipse(10, 10, 90, 90);

And the white area of the image should be transparent. There are other ways of accomplishing the transparent area, but that's another subject.


Is this what you're trying to do?

enter image description here

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Jerry Dodge Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09

Jerry Dodge

I apologize to people that I messed their heads up.

It turns out CreateBlank works as wanted. The problem was that I was drawing PNG on PNG canvas (PNG.Canvas.Draw). Canvas doesn't really support transparency. To draw a translucent PNG on another PNG you will need a procedure/function that merges those both layers together. With some googling I ended up with this procedure:

procedure MergePNGLayer(Layer1, Layer2: TPNGObject; Const aLeft, aTop: Integer);
  x, y: Integer;
  SL1,  SL2,  SLBlended: pRGBLine;
  aSL1, aSL2, aSLBlended: PByteArray;
  blendCoeff: single;
  blendedPNG, Lay2buff: TPNGObject;
  blendedPNG := TPNGObject.Create;
  SetPNGCanvasSize(Layer2, Layer1.Width, Layer1.Height, aLeft, aTop);
  for y := 0 to Layer1.Height - 1 do
    SL1 := Layer1.Scanline[y];
    SL2 := Layer2.Scanline[y];
    aSL1 := Layer1.AlphaScanline[y];
    aSL2 := Layer2.AlphaScanline[y];
    SLBlended := blendedPNG.Scanline[y];
    aSLBlended := blendedPNG.AlphaScanline[y];
    for x := 0 to Layer1.Width - 1 do
      blendCoeff:=aSL1[x] * 100/255/100;
      aSLBlended[x] := round(aSL2[x] + (aSL1[x]-aSL2[x]) * blendCoeff);
      SLBlended[x].rgbtRed   := round(SL2[x].rgbtRed + (SL1[x].rgbtRed-SL2[x].rgbtRed) * blendCoeff);
      SLBlended[x].rgbtGreen := round(SL2[x].rgbtGreen + (SL1[x].rgbtGreen-SL2[x].rgbtGreen) * blendCoeff);
      SLBlended[x].rgbtBlue  := round(SL2[x].rgbtBlue + (SL1[x].rgbtBlue-SL2[x].rgbtBlue) * blendCoeff);


  PNG1, PNG2: TPNGObject;
  PNG1 := TPNGObject.CreateBlank(COLOR_RGBALPHA, 16, 500, 500);
  PNG2 := TPNGObject.Create;
  MergePNGLayer(PNG1, PNG2, 0, 0);
  // PNG1 is the output

And again, I am really sorry to users that wanted to help, but couldn't due to not understanding me.

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Little Helper Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Little Helper