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TortoiseHg: How to match a node hash to its revision node in the revision graph?

I gave someone a copy of my code using hg archive a while ago. A lot of commits has happened since then and I cannot remember which was the revision I gave him. There is some information about the version I had given the person in the .hg_archival.txt file. It has the node hash information, for example node: 72f497079285b2c3cf4f8b86950664f84221cd63

Using the information in the .hg_archival.txt file (like the node hash) how do I find the corresponding revision node in the revision graph displayed in TortoiseHg?

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Ashwin Nanjappa Avatar asked Dec 06 '11 04:12

Ashwin Nanjappa

2 Answers

This works with TortoiseHg 2.x.y. If the Filter Toolbar is not visible, enable it by choosing View -> Filter Toolbar or pressing Ctrl+S.

In the revision set query textbox of the Filter toolbar paste the node hash and press Enter. If the Filter check box is set, only the revision matching the hash is displayed. If you disable the Filter check box, the revision matching the hash is highlighted in the complete revision graph.

The complete hash is 40 characters long. You only need to paste enough of it to be able to unambiguously match a revision.

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Helgi Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10


hg log -r 72f497079285b2c3cf4f8b86950664f84221cd63 or hg update -r 72f497079285b2c3cf4f8b86950664f84221cd63

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Lazy Badger Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 06:10

Lazy Badger