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Tools for JPEG optimization? [closed]

People also ask

What is the best JPEG compression?

As a general benchmark: 90% JPEG quality gives a very high-quality image while gaining a significant reduction on the original 100% file size. 80% JPEG quality gives a greater file size reduction with almost no loss in quality.

Is JPEG Optimizer safe?

JPEG Optimizer To Compress JPEG ImagesCloudPresso JPEG optimizer is safe and secure. CloudPresso can reduce JPEG image size up to 80% at minimal quality loss. Test and see for yourself! The file size limit is 5MB for free account.

I wrote a GUI for all image optimization tools I could find, including MozJPEG and jpegoptim that optimize Huffman tables, progressive scans, and (optionally) remove invisible metadata.

ImageOptim smushing it

If you don't have a Mac, I also have a basic web interface that works on any platform.

I use libjpeg for lossless operations. It contains a command-line tool jpegtran that can do all you want. With the commandline option -copy none all the metadata is stripped, and -optimize does a lossless optimization of the Huffmann compression. You can also convert the images to progressive mode with -progressive, but that might cause compatibility problems (does anyone know more about that?)


RIOT(Radical Image Optimization Tool) This is the greatest image optimization tool I have found!


You can easily get a 10MB image down to 800KB through sub-sampling. It supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG. It even integrates into context menus so you can send pictures straight there. Allows you to rotate, re-size, compress to specified KB's, and more. Also has plugins for GIMP and IrfanView and other things.

There is also a DLL available if you want to incorporate it into your own programs or java script / c++ program.

Another alternative is http://pnggauntlet.com/ PNGGAUNTLET takes forever but it does a pretty good job.


A new service called JPEGmini produces incredible results. A shame that it's online only. Edit: It's available for Windows and Mac now

Tried a number of the suggestions above - I personally was after lossless compression.

My sample image had an original size of 67,737 bytes.

Using kraken.io, it went down to 64,718 Using jpegtran, it went down to 64,718 Using yahoo smush-it, it went down to 61,746 Using imagemagick (-strip), it went down to 65,312

The smush.py option looks promising, but the installation was too complex for me to do quickly

jpegrescan looks promising too, but seems to be unix and I'm using windows

jpegmini is NOT lossless, but I can't tell the difference (down to 22,172)

plinth's Altrasoft jpegstripper app does not work on my windows 7

jpegoptim is not windows - no good for me

Riot (keeping quality at 100%) got it down to 63,416 and with chroma subsampling set to high, it got it down to 61,912 - I don't know if that is lossless or not though, and I think it looks lighter than the original.

So my verdict is yahoo smushit if it must be lossless

I would try Imagemagick. It has tons of command line options, its free and have a nice license. http://www.imagemagick.org

There seems to be an option called Strip that may help you: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-options.php#strip