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to fix the color in vim or to take the plunge?





I'm disappointed because of the vim behaviour under Ubuntu 13.04 and the issues I'm having the color reproduction.

I have problems when setting a colorscheme and I also tried to fix this issue with set t_Co=256 but I can do anything and nothing changes. I also tried different terminal emulators a and different settings but really nothing changes.

I tried Gvim and apparently it handles the colors correctly nd I have a much more consistent behaviour, now my question is: what am I missing when using gvim instead of vim?

I'm a new vim user so I don't know the potential of these two applications.

EDIT: For example this is how the darkblue theme looks like under vim running in gnome-terminal enter image description here

like image 361
user2384250 Avatar asked May 23 '13 10:05


2 Answers

Assuming your Ubuntu environment is correctly set up (and judging from the screenshot, it is), you're probably just disappointed that most colorschemes don't come with high color support in the terminal.

You can use the CSApprox plugin (or one of its alternatives) to translate a GUI colorscheme to a high-color (i.e. 88-256 color) terminal. That will get you a closer approximation.

like image 90
Ingo Karkat Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 15:11

Ingo Karkat

The vanilla colorschemes can't make assumptions about the number of colors, so they are conservative and expect only the 16 basic colors of the PC era.

Setting up color for vim in 256 color XTerm is a bit more involved, but the result is pleasing. Here's what I use. Be sure that your XTerm is actually a 256 color version (it is by default on Ubuntu). This setup will make both vim and gvim use the same colors. As a bonus, if you have configured your XTerm to use TrueType fonts, it can render highlight as italic--see the white comments (if the font supports it; I use *faceName: Droid Sans Mono).

enter image description here

" If the xterm supports 256 colors, make sure TERM=xterm-256color.
" If it supports 256 colors but sets TERM=xterm, edit the appropriate
" resource file (~/.Xdefaults or $XAPPLRESDIR/XTerm) and add
" *termName: xterm-256color
" For mintty, select the xterm-256color TERM value in the options menu.
if &term == "xterm-256color"
  " Also for Cygwin's mintty.
  set t_Co=256
elseif $PROFILE_OS == "Solaris"
  set t_Co=256
elseif (&term == "xterm" || &term =~ "cons") && $TTY =~ "/dev/ttyv"
  " Adjust for FreeBSD syscons with ANSI colors.
  set t_Co=16
  map <Esc>[2~ i
  map <Esc>[3~ x
  map <Esc>[5~ <C-B>
  map <Esc>[6~ <C-F>
  colorscheme delek
elseif &term == "cygwin"
  " Adjust for Cygwin in a cmd.exe window.
  set t_Co=16
  colorscheme koehler
" The cterm color numbers refer to XTerm colors in 256 color mode.
" Map rgb to cterm colors using <URL:https://gist.github.com/719710>.
" cterm=underline is rendered as italic with xterm +ulit
" gui=NONE turns off bold, italic.
" Normal must be set before colors "fg" and "bg" can be used.
highlight Normal ctermfg=216 ctermbg=233 guifg=#ffaf87 guibg=#121212

" pink        C 'c'
highlight Character
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=211     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#ff87af   guibg=bg
" gray        This comment.
highlight Comment
\ cterm=underline ctermfg=250     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=italic      guifg=#bcbcbc   guibg=bg
highlight ColorColumn  cterm=NONE ctermfg=7   ctermbg=99  gui=NONE guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#875fff
" blue        if/then/else/fi.
highlight Conditional
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=27      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#005fff   guibg=bg
" lightgreen  Numbers and quoted strings.
highlight Constant
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=82      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#5fff00   guibg=bg
highlight Cursor
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=black   ctermbg=red
\ gui=NONE        guifg=black     guibg=red
highlight CursorColumn cterm=NONE ctermfg=7   ctermbg=97  gui=NONE guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#875faf
highlight DiffAdd      cterm=NONE ctermfg=8   ctermbg=24  gui=NONE guifg=#808080 guibg=#005f5f
highlight DiffChange   cterm=NONE ctermfg=8   ctermbg=56  gui=NONE guifg=#808080 guibg=#5f00d7
highlight DiffDelete   cterm=NONE ctermfg=8   ctermbg=88  gui=NONE guifg=#808080 guibg=#870000
highlight DiffText     cterm=NONE ctermfg=8   ctermbg=90  gui=NONE guifg=#808080 guibg=#870087
" Status line.
highlight Error
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=196     ctermbg=234
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#ff0000   guibg=black
highlight ErrorMsg
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=172     ctermbg=black
\ gui=NONE        guifg=orange    guibg=black
highlight Folded
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=112     ctermbg=235
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87d700   guibg=#262626
highlight FoldColumn
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=112     ctermbg=235
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87d700   guibg=#262626
" green       Function names (has()).
highlight Function
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=46      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#00ff00   guibg=bg
" lightyellow Names.
highlight Identifier
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=139     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#af87af   guibg=bg
highlight Include
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=50      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#00ffd7   guibg=bg
highlight LineNr
\ cterm=underline ctermfg=244     ctermbg=237
\ gui=italic      guifg=#808080   guibg=#3a3a3a
highlight Macro
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=203     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#ff5f5f   guibg=bg
" --More--
highlight MoreMsg
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=123     ctermbg=238
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87ffff   guibg=#444444
" --INSERT--
highlight ModeMsg
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=123     ctermbg=238
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87ffff   guibg=#444444
" Tilde and @ at the end of the window.
highlight NonText
\ cterm=bold      ctermfg=cyan    ctermbg=bg
\ gui=bold        guifg=cyan      guibg=bg
highlight Operator
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=129     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#af00ff   guibg=bg
highlight PmenuSbar    cterm=NONE ctermfg=fg  ctermbg=32  gui=NONE guifg=fg      guibg=#0087d7
" medium blue #if/#else/#endif ${foo}
highlight PreProc
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=75      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#5fafff   guibg=bg
" Hit-enter and yes/no questions.
highlight Question
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=green   ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=green     guibg=bg
highlight Search
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=153     ctermbg=237
\ gui=NONE        guifg=cyan      guibg=gray10
" violett     <F11>, printf %s, `cmd`
highlight Special
\ cterm=bold      ctermfg=125     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=bold        guifg=#af005f   guibg=bg
" violett     <F11> in map
highlight SpecialKey
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=135     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#af5fff   guibg=bg
highlight SpellBad
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=88      ctermbg=140
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#870000   guibg=#af87d7
highlight SpellCap
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=88      ctermbg=138
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#870000   guibg=#af8787
highlight SpellLocal
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=118     ctermbg=236
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87ff00   guibg=#303030
highlight SpellRare
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=19      ctermbg=75
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#0000af   guibg=#5fafff
" lightblue   Keywords (highlight).
highlight Statement
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=44      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#00d7d7   guibg=bg
highlight StatusLine
\ cterm=bold      ctermfg=41      ctermbg=239
\ gui=bold        guifg=#00d75f   guibg=#4e4e4e
highlight StatusLineNC
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=245     ctermbg=239
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#8a8a8a   guibg=#4e4e4e
" olive       static, const, volatile
highlight StorageClass
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=98      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#875fd7   guibg=bg
" green       ''foo''
highlight String
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=35      ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#00af5f   guibg=bg
" titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
highlight Title
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=123     ctermbg=238
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#87ffff   guibg=#444444
highlight Todo
\ cterm=bold      ctermfg=161     ctermbg=181
\ gui=bold        guifg=#d7005f   guibg=#d7afaf
" lightbeige  int, long, ... ctermfg
highlight Type
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=170     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#d75fd7   guibg=bg
" gray        Visual selection
highlight Visual
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=215     ctermbg=238
\ gui=NONE        guifg=burlywood guibg=gray30
" gray        Visual selection
highlight VisualNOS
\ ctermfg=215     ctermbg=238     ctermbg=bg
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#5090c0   guibg=gray30
highlight WarningMsg
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=green   ctermbg=black
\ gui=NONE        guifg=green     guibg=black
highlight WildMenu
\ cterm=NONE      ctermfg=23      ctermbg=148
\ gui=NONE        guifg=#005f5f   guibg=#afd700

if &term == "xterm-256color" && $DISPLAY == ""
  " Cygwin mintty doesn't do italic.
  highlight Comment cterm=NONE
  highlight LineNr  cterm=NONE

The 6x6x6 colorcube to chose the cterm color numbers from:

enter image description here

like image 29
Jens Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 14:11
